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Top Hat - Taking Attendance While Presenting Your Lecture Slides in Top Hat [UW-Madison]

This document explains how to take attendance while using Top Hat to present your slides.

Many professors begin each of their lectures by taking attendance with Top Hat. Here’s how you can do this: 

  1. Select the first slide you'd like to present. This will display in your preview pane. 
  2. When you're ready to present to your students, select the blue Present button in the upper right hand corner
    Screenshot of Top Hat with Present button highlighted
  3. Next, the presentation launch page will appear. Here, you can Start Presentation, Take Attendance or Cancel Presentation. Select Take Attendance to project the 4-digit attendance code.
    Screenshot of Join Code page with Take Attendance button highlighted
  4. In the bottom-right corner of the window, you can see the number of students who submitted the attendance code, listed over the number of students enrolled in the course. 
    Screenshot of attendance code page with attendance figure highlighted

Next, you have three options:

Disable attendance before proceeding with lecture

  1. When you are happy with the attendance figure for the lecture, select the Finish button in the lower right-hand corner of the window. This will prevent students from further submitting the attendance code. 
  2. After you have disabled attendance, select the right advance arrow to launch your slide presentation.

Keep attendance open during lecture

  1. Select Minimize and keep open in the lower right-hand corner of the window. 
  2. Select the right advance arrow to launch your slide presentation. This will allow students to continue submitting the attendance code 
  3. When you want to disable attendance, select the attendance code to return to the attendance session page. Then, select Finish to disable attendance.
    Note: attendance sessions auto-close after 4 hours.

Launch attendance during a presentation 

  1. Select the blue button in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen to open the menu.
    Screenshot of presentation with attendance figure highlighted
  2. Select the yellow attendance button.
    Note: If you are relaunching attendance at any time after you have already clicked Finish on a different session, this will generate a completely new attendance code. It will appear as a new attendance session in the gradebook.
    Screenshot of presentation menu with yellow attendance button highlighted

The data collected while taking attendance with Top Hat will be stored in the gradebook where you can review, manage or export it to an Excel spreadsheet.

Keywordsattendance top hat response system secure in class hybrid remote iclicker   Doc ID121314
OwnerLearn@UW MadisonGroupLearn@UW-Madison
Created2022-09-14 11:37:57Updated2024-01-02 14:47:07
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Learn@UW-Madison
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