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Kaltura - Creating, Editing, and Embedding Standalone Playlists [UW-Madison]

This document outlines how to create, embed, and link to standalone playlists in Kaltura MediaSpace.


Kaltura MediaSpace playlists allow you to guide your viewers/students through watching media in a particular sequence. There are two types of playlists within Kaltura MediaSpace. For more information on types of playlists, see Kaltura - MediaSpace Standalone Playlists Compared to Channel Playlists [UW-Madison]. Kaltura has additional documentation on Create and Add Media to a Playlist in MediaSpace and Manage Playlists in MediaSpace. Individual user analytics cannot be gathered from embedded standalone playlists.

Creating Standalone Playlists

  1. Launch Chrome or Firefox and go to Kaltura MediaSpace: If you need more information on how to log in to MediaSpace please see Kaltura - How to Log in to Kaltura MediaSpace [UW-Madison] .
  2. Click on your name or the person silhouette icon in the upper right corner and click My Media:
    Screenshot showing the user having clicked their user icon in Kaltura MediaSpace with the cursor hovering over the drop-down menu option "My Media".
  3. Select the media you would like added to a playlist by clicking the check boxes to the left of each media item in your My Media list.
  4. Click the Actions button in the upper right corner of you My Media page. Click Add to Playlist:
    A screenshot showing the Kaltura MediaSpace "Actions" menu. The user has clicked on it and the cursor is hovering over the "Add to playlist" option which is also outlined in red to point it out.
  5. In the next screen you can search for a playlist, click Create New Playlist to create a new playlist, or select the checkboxes next to the playlist(s) you want to add the media to:
    A screenshot showing the "Add to Playlist" window. The cursor hovers over the "Create New Playlist" link. Two other playlits for "Watch Later" and "Kaltura Capture Playlist" with checkboxes are below the "Create New Playlist" link. Buttons for "Cancel" and "Save" are in the lower right.
  6. After you either create a new playlist or select a previously existing one, click the Add button.
  7. If you created a playlist you'll see a message at the top in blue indicating it was created successfully and a link to go to edit the playlist. Click the link to go edit the newly created playlist.

Editing playlists

  1. Click your username in the upper right and select My Playlists to see your playlists:
    A screenshot showing the Kaltrua user drop-down menu. The cursor hovers over the "My Playlists" menu option which is outlined in orange to help point it out.
    The My Playlists page allows you to see, select, and modify your playlists.
  2. You can search on or scroll to find the playlist you want to edit. Once you have,k click the pencil icon in the lower right of the playlist thumbnail to edit the playlist.
  3. The Edit Playlist page allows you to edit the playlist title, description, tags. You can also reorder media in the playlist or add media to the playlist. Reorder media by hovering over the two dashed lines to the left of the media thumbnail. Your cursor will change to a hand:
    A screenshot showing a detail of the Kaltura MediaSpace "Edit Playlist" screen. Two media entries in the playlist are shown with a cursor hovering over the two dashed lines to the left of the media's icon. The icon has changd to a hand and has text above it that says "Move Position"
    Click on this icon and drag the media to reorder the media entry in the playlist. 
  4. Click the Save button in the upper right if you do any reordering, edit the title, description, or tags.

Embedding Standalone Playlists

This process will show you how to get embed code for your playlists. Embed code can be used in your Learning Management System (LMS) or in your website to display playlists. Embedded playlists will not generate individual student analytics.

  1. Launch Chrome or Firefox and go to Kaltura MediaSpace: If you need more information on how to log in to MediaSpace please see Kaltura - How to Log in to Kaltura MediaSpace [UW-Madison] .
  2. Click your username in the upper right and select My Playlists to see your playlists:
    A screenshot showing the Kaltrua user drop-down menu. The cursor hovers over the "My Playlists" menu option which is outlined in orange to help point it out.
  3. You can search on or scroll to find the playlist you want to edit. Once you have,k click the pencil icon in the lower right of the playlist thumbnail to edit the playlist.
  4. After you've located the playlist you want to embed click the Share & Embed button in the lower right of the playlist:
    A screenshot showing a detail of the "Edit Playlist" window. An example "Test playlist - DO NOT DELETE" is shown. The cursor hovers over the "Share & Embed" button which is outlined in orange to help point it out.
  5. The Share & Embed window will open. You can:
    1. Copy a Share Watch Link to paste into an email or click the Email Link to open your email application to create an email with the link.
    2. Select a vertical or horizontal player from the drop-down menu.
    3. Select a max embed size from the drop-down menu.
    4. Turn auto play on or off. We recommend you keep this off.
    5. Click Copy Embed to copy the embed code for the selected options.
      A screenshot showing the "Share & Embed" window. Numbers help point out (1) the copy link for a "Share Watch" link, (2) a drop-down for a vertical or horizontal player, (3) a drop-down for a max embed size, (4) a button to turn autoplay off or on (we recommend you keep it off), and (5) the Copy Embed button to copy the embed code with the selected options.
  6. The copied embed code can be used in your LMS or website to embed the playlist. Click Done.

Keywordsplaylist, playlists, media, embed, link, player, list, sequence, order, video media, mediaspace, regular   Doc ID62118
OwnerLearn@UW MadisonGroupLearn@UW-Madison
Created2016-03-22 14:06:10Updated2023-12-20 15:27:15
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Learn@UW-Madison
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