Results: 821-840 of 2202

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
821DoIT Shared Tools - GitLab: Request a Needs & Requirements Analysis110279Shared Tools2023-11-082241
822DoIT Shared Tools - Confluence Wiki - How-to Create a List of Pages in a Space128201Shared Tools2023-11-081342
823DoIT Shared Tools - JIRA - New Process for Groups Currently Using UDDS Codes to Manage Jira Groups119858Shared Tools2023-11-08926
824DoIT Jira and Confluence Service Change - Lunch and Learns127125Shared Tools2023-11-081510
825DoIT Shared Tools - GitLab - How-to Use GitLab and Salesforce112096Shared Tools2023-11-082063
826Additional Major/Degree Policy and Process73885CALS Academic Affairs2023-11-0737393
827Install Box Edit132594Law School2023-11-07498
828Network Account Activation122996WCER2023-11-07356
829Flattening and Printing Documents with Charts and Embedded Graphics72166CAE2023-11-066936
830Help Desk - Resources for Microsoft 365, Google, Zoom, Box, and Qualtrics account changes or deactivations80582DoIT Help Desk2023-11-0219025
8311105 A/V Equipment Guide94878School of Pharmacy2023-11-021008
832Kinesiology 125 - Adapted Fitness course77136Adult Career and Special Student Services2023-11-018172
833DoIT Departmental Support - Windows OS Deployment - Deploying Windows127272DoIT Departmental Support2023-11-01554
834(Madison) - Donor notes for grants in electronic resources105520UWLSS2023-11-012061
835Wisc Account Admin Site - Domain Admin API - Getting Started69282Wisc Account Admin2023-10-306136
836Wisc Account Administration site - Delete a Service/Resource Account36640Wisc Account Admin2023-10-309700
837KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - TinyMCE Accessibility Checker116740KB User's Guide2023-10-2311484
838DoIT - MFA-Duo - Information for Extension Employees99825Extension Handbook2023-10-231525
839[659] Dana Dolly117186CommArts IMC2023-10-20331
840Pre-Posting Allocation Tool (PAT) - Customer Number Appears Italicized and Highlighted11492DoIT Help Desk2023-10-1911348
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