Results: 181-200 of 427

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
181CHM Purchasing130205Center for Healthy Minds2024-10-01607
182CHM Purchasing - Business Purpose Guide142728Center for Healthy Minds2024-10-0160
183OnCore Clinical Trials Management System (CTMS) [Campus login required]51301UWCCC Clinical Research2024-09-30795
184Help Desk - Deactivation Timeline for Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, Zoom, Box, Qualtrics79844DoIT Help Desk2024-09-2761341
185WiscWeb - Differences Between a Project and Production URL104811WiscWeb2024-09-231944
186L&S Recommended Summer Sessions for Course Scheduling94506L&S KB2024-09-184879
187NetID - Changing Your NetID1108Identity and Access Management2024-09-09103440
188UW-Madison Box - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)26291Box2024-09-0433255
189Keys for Science Hall106443Nelson Administrative Hub2024-09-03430
190CCI Private Cloud - Obtaining Access to the CCI Private Cloud Environment52057CCI Private Cloud2024-09-031510
191Voice Services - Authorized Agent and Technician Responsibilities / Expectations107606Voice Services2024-08-291953
192Ordering telephone service (Cisco VoIP, Cellular/Mobile, Off-campus Landlines)89431Voice Services2024-08-2925002
193TechZone Supported Departments99020L&S Learning Support Services2024-08-26657
194VoIP Line Requests - Authorized Users85348SMPH2024-08-2617938
195MFA-Duo - Token Procurement Process95216Identity and Access Management2024-08-236662
196UW-Madison Box - File Management33413Box2024-08-2234146
197Resource Accounts - Managing Calendar Scheduling Permissions138342L&S Learning Support Services2024-08-21130
198Cisco VoIP - Configuring a newly purchased telephone92345Voice Services2024-08-194119
199WI-RI-001 - System Change Control119130SMPH Research Informatics 2024-08-15227
200UW-Madison Zoom Workplace - Meeting vs. Webinar106374Zoom2024-08-1511418
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