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REDCap: Mosio SMS Service

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Mosio Overview

Mosio Usage

REDCap Setup

Enabling SMS
Survey Invites

Enabling SMS in Alerts

Mosio Overview

***REDCap - We are currently testing the service with the REDCap integration ONLY.  If you are UW-Madison staff and are interested in using Mosio, please complete this survey to indicate your interest***

Mosio is a text messaging software tailored for clinical research. Mosio specializes in research communications automation, helping researchers improve engagement, adherence, and data collection in studies. The service is HIPAA compliant. .   

After setting up a phone number with Mosio, text messaging can be integrated into your REDCap projects and used with automated invites and messages.

There are two available ways REDCap currently works with Mosio:

  1. Automated Survey Invitations – Sending REDCap survey links via text message.
  2. Alerts & Notifications – Schedule messages (no survey link required, but can be included).
  3. SMS Surveys – Sending questions and getting replies via text message. *NOT ALLOWED AT THIS TIME*

For more information about Mosio and its integration with REDCap please visit this page:

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Mosio Usage Requirements

  • The School of Medicine and Public Health Informatics and Information Technology (SMPH IIT) will cover the cost of 6,000 messages per phone number per year for non-SMPH department usage. Any amount beyond that will incur a fee from the vendor and we will pass on those charges
  • Mosio is ONLY approved for REDCap integrated (one-way) use at this time. 
    • The Mosio assigned phone number cannot be used for two-way communication with the participant. The participant cannot respond directly to the text message.
    • Mosio SMS messaging can be used to send a REDCap survey link or general message to a participant. The participant cannot respond to that SMS message, but can complete questions listed within the linked REDCap survey.
  • All communications with research subjects must occur in accordance with UW–Madison institutional review board (IRB) guidance and with any approved research protocol applicable to the involved research.
    • The IRB information sheet and/or consent should indicate the Mosio phone number is NOT to be used as point of contact for study team.
      • This includes for urgent contact as well as any questions from the study participant

  • No PHI or stigmatizing information is allowed in the message text.
    • PHI Examples:  Names, Date of Birth, Admission/Discharge Dates
      • Stigmatizing Information Example:  "Link for your Alzheimer's research visit survey: [survey-link]"
        • Recommended Language:  "Link for your research visit survey: [survey-link]"
      • Recommended Language for Visit Reminders:  "This is a reminder of your upcoming research visit on mm/dd/yy. Please contact the research team at [insert contact info] with any questions."

  • It is recommended that you do not include any language about incentives or payments in the message text
    • Incentive Examples:  Payments, Gift-Cards, Rewards
      • "Please complete this survey and you will receive a $50 gift-card."
  • REDCap staff will need to review and approve planned messaging before use.

  • Any individual (i.e. study team personnel, REDCap admins) signing into Mosio must do so through a UW managed device and using UW approved VPN. Personal devices should not be used to access Mosio.

  • Mosio requires registration of each phone number called 10DLC registration. This is required by wireless carriers to ensure that text messaging services are used responsibly and in compliance with relevant laws and regulations.  You will be required to complete a short survey that will provide our REDCap Admins with information so that we can register the phone number BEFORE it is used for sending participant messages.  
  • Mosio phone numbers must have set an automated response that participants will receive if they try to contact the number. 
  • Mosio allows an auto-forward phone number if participants try to use the Mosio number. If using auto-forward phone number, it must be a study team work phone number. *NOT ALLOWED FOR USE AT THIS TIME*

Message Formatting Recommendations:

SMS has a character limit of 160 characters.  It is important to test your message to make sure that survey invite links do not get broken up in a text message on some devices.  Messages that go over the 160 character limit will be charged for 2 messages.

Messages that use Smart Variables to add in Survey URLs or other information from the project will be replaced with values from the project.  Within the message this will change the total character count of what is actually sent:

If using Automated Survey Invitations, keep in mind the standard language included will most likely always be 3 or more segments if you do not edit it. 

    • What the participant gets (316 characters = 3 segments)      

      Please take this survey.

      You may open the survey in your web browser by clicking the link below:

      If the link above does not work, try copying the link below into your web browser:

      This link is unique to you and should not be forwarded to others.

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REDCap Mosio Setup

After receiving a Mosio API Key, the key will need to be added within REDCap by a REDCap administrator to link to your SMS phone service line.

Mosio API Key Setup
Setting up Mosio API Key in REDCap

You can configure Mosio further in Mosio Two-Way Text Messaging (SMS) Services options found within the Project Setup page. Here you can find configuration options such as setting invitation preference fields, what project features can use SMS, and telephone number preference.

Mosio SMS Settings
Example Settings Available for Mosio in Project Setup

After the API key has been added, new options will display under Alerts and Notifications or places for sending Survey invites that will allow you to enable SMS as your sending option.

Multi-language Management

If you are using Multi-Language Management, the Twilio/Mosio text messaging text ("To begin the survey, visit [link]" and voice call text ("To begin the phone survey, call [phone]" are now available for translation on the MLM setup page. 

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Enabling SMS for Survey Invites

When Mosio is enabled in a project, there will new options for sending the invite via SMS for survey distribution under both Automated Survey Invites (ASIs) and Survey Distribution Tools.

In the areas where SMS can be enabled, you will find a drop down that will allow you to select how you want a specific invitation to be sent:

      1. Email Invitation
      2. SMS Invitation (contains survey link)
      3. Use Participant Preference

Participant Preference fields are set under the Mosio Services Setup in the Project Setup tab.

SMS has a character limit of 160 characters. It is important to test your message to make sure that survey invite links do not get broken up in a text message on some devices.

Automatic Survey Invite (ASI) SMS Setup

Once enabled, Step 1 of an ASI setup will now contain the drop-down asking preference for how the email should be sent. It can be set to email, text message (SMS), or participant's preference if a preference field has been enabled.

ASI SMS Invites
New Step 1 SMS Drop-down options for Automatic Survey Invites

Public Survey Link

Participant Distribution Tools contains an option to have participants complete a Public Survey link via SMS. Enabling Mosio adds a new option under Public Survey setup to invite participants immediately through a list of phone numbers that you add. This will send out a survey invite immediately to the numbers manually listed.

SMS in Participant Distribution Tools
Sending Public Survey Invites via SMS

Participant List Distribution

The Participant List under Survey Distribution tools also contains an option to set the type of invitation you want the invite to send with (email vs SMS) as the first step in setting up a Participant List invitation.

SMS in Participant List
Setting up SMS in Participant List Distribution

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Enabling SMS in Alerts & Notifications

Alerts and Notifications can also use SMS Text Messaging instead of email.  In Step 3, you will have the option to select Email or SMS Text Message as the way that the alert is sent.  If SMS is selected, then you will choose a validated phone number field as the recipient, or manually enter in phone numbers. The phone number that the message will send from is the phone number that was assigned by Mosio. 

REDCap Alert SMS Setup
Alerts and Notifications SMS Options

If you would like a survey link sent as part of an alert, you will need to add the link via piping to the message body (shown above).

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REDCap, Mosio, Twillio, SMS, texting, phone, cell, mobile, invite, alerts 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Amanda Y. in SMPH Research Informatics
SMPH Research Informatics