Topics Map > Platform X
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Platform X: Request Access to VM

Access to a Platform X VM is granted on a project by project basis. An account request is needed to obtain a Platform X account.

Follow the steps below to request access to a project and obtain a Platform X account.

Requesting Access to Project

  1. A request must be submitted for each project you will need access to.
  2. Submit a request through the Platform X Support Portal:
    1. Include the following information:
      • Principal Investigator
      • Project Name
      • Net ID and email address
  3. Once this request is received the Platform X team will enter your information into the project and the Principal Investigator will receive an email to approve your access request and access to data.
  4. After the Principal Investigator approves request you will receive a survey from REDCap to review the attestation outlining approved use of Platform X. You will need to sign and complete the survey (for each project) before access an be granted.

Account Setup

  1. After all above requirements are completed you will receive an email from Platform X Security to setup your Platform X Account: Platform X - Account Activation


    • Additional Questions: please open a request in our service portal


Platform X Virtual Machine, access, account, project, virtual machine 
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Sheri A. in SMPH Research Informatics
SMPH Research Informatics , SMPH Research Informatics TEST