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REDCap: Survey-Specific Email Invitations
A survey-specific email invitation field can be enabled for any given survey, in which you can designate any email field in your project to use for sending survey invitations for that particular survey. Thus, you can collect several email addresses (e.g., for a student, a parent, and a teacher) and utilize each email for a different survey in the project. Then you can send each person an invitation to their own survey, after which all the survey responses get stored as one single record in the project.
Note: The email field can exist on any instrument in the project, and you may use a different email field on each survey. You may also use the same email field for multiple surveys.
Note: This option will override the project-level email invitation field (if enabled on the Project Setup page) and will also override any email address originally entered into the Participant List. Also, if this field has no value and the project-level email field is enabled, then the project-level email field's value will be used instead.
This setting is located on the Survey Settings page in the Online Designer, thus it can be enabled for any given survey in a project.