Results: 201-220 of 284

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
201SAE Classification994872022-10-05251
202Report to IRB?994882022-10-05269
203Last Dose/Last Treatment Date995032022-10-05233
204Notified DSMC995072022-10-05241
205Notified Sponsor995082022-10-05248
206Reported By995522022-10-05264
207Report to IRB?995602022-10-05263
208Report to Sponsor?995632022-10-05264
209Notified DSMC995652022-10-05268
210Participating Institution1018242022-10-05229
211Status Date1018422022-10-05248
212Status: Initiator1018432022-10-05312
213Status: Change Reason1018442022-10-05277
214Review Date1018452022-10-05273
215Review Reason1018492022-10-05280
216Review Type1018502022-10-05249
217IRB: Action1018522022-10-05259
218IRB: Action Date1018542022-10-05276
219IRB: Expiration Date1018552022-10-05341
220Review No.1018572022-10-05244
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