Results: 361-380 of 411

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
361Consent Form Change Required?994842022-10-05164
362Adverse Event Detail: Category994892022-10-05171
363Adverse Event Detail: Toxicity994912022-10-05204
364Adverse Event Detail: Grade994922022-10-05154
365Adverse Event Detail: Unexpected994942022-10-05161
366Adverse Event Detail: DLT994952022-10-05203
367Adverse Event Detail: Action994962022-10-05168
368Adverse Event Detail: Therapy994972022-10-05168
369Attribution: Investigational Therapy995002022-10-05161
370Attribution: Drug/Devices995022022-10-05163
371Attribution: Disease995042022-10-05159
372Attribution: Non-Investigational Therapy995062022-10-05162
373Event No.995092022-10-05170
374Date Discovered995482022-10-05166
375Deviation Date995532022-10-05309
377Description of Event995552022-10-05162
378Effect of Subject Safety995562022-10-05160
379Action Taken995572022-10-05162
380Did the deviation put the participant or others at increased risk and/or negatively affect the primary study aims?995582022-10-05158
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