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Faculty Senate Minutes 2016-11-07

University of Wisconsin--Madison

Shared governance document, approved December 5, 2016

November 7, 2016

Chancellor Rebecca Blank called the meeting to order at 3:31 p.m. with 162 voting members present (111 needed for quorum). A memorial resolution was offered for Professor Emeritus Richard Long (Faculty Document 2640). Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education Marsha Mailick presented the State of the Research Enterprise Address. Mailick reiterated the key missions of her office: to put in place the people and funding needed to keep the Graduate School strong and effective and to support graduate education, to do the same for the research enterprise, and to support faculty as they conceptualize and design innovative and cutting edge research projects. After recognizing her leadership team and staff, Mailick outlined the distribution and impact of WARF funding, the results of the UW2020 research competition, the process for and status of interdisciplinary research center reviews, and several other initiatives. There were no questions or comments.

Director of Campus Planning and Landscape Architecture Gary Brown provided an update on the Campus Master Plan. There were no questions or comments. Chancellor Rebecca Blank provided updates on recent events at Camp Randall Stadium and an ongoing sexual assault case. There were three comments relating to consequences, individual responsibility, and community responses. The minutes of the meetings of April 4, 2016, and September 26, 2016, were approved as distributed.

Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf presented the annual reports of the University Academic Planning Council (Faculty Document 2641) and of the Campus Planning Committee (Faculty Document 2642). Professor Bret Larget (Botany) presented the annual report of the Committee on Women in the University (Faculty Document 2643, appendices). Professor Emeritus Charles Snowden presented the annual reports of the Ombuds and Employee Assistance Office (Faculty Document2644). Professor Linda Oakley (Nursing) presented the annual report of the Campus Diversity and Climate Committee (Faculty Document 2645). Associate Professor Rafi Lazimy (Operations and Information Management) presented the annual report of the Information Technology Committee (Faculty Document 2646). Special Advisor to the Chancellor Michael Lehman presented an update on campus IT governance and structure (Faculty Document 2647). There were no questions or comments on these reports.

Professor Amy Wendt (District 120, University Committee) moved adoption of Faculty Document 2648, which adds an ex officio member to the Information Technology Committee and creates the positions of co-chairs. There was one question and the motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

Professor Wendt moved approval of the following change to Faculty Policies and Procedures 6.06.H.: “If circumstances warrant, and upon consultation with the committee concerned, the University Committee shall appoint, subject to confirmation by the senate, an appropriately qualified replacement to fill the vacancy through the remainder of the until a faculty member is elected at the next annual election to complete the unexpired term.” There were no questions or comments and the motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Professor Wendt moved to confirm the appointment of Professor Eric Sandgren (Pathobiological Sciences) to serve on the Commission on Faculty Compensation and Economic Benefits, replacing Associate Professor Julie Allen (Scandinavian Studies), who resigned from the committee. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Professor Wendt moved to confirm the appointment of Assistant Professor Aparna Lakkaraju (Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences) to serve on the Commission on Faculty Compensation and Economic Benefits, replacing Professor Carolyn Kelley (Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis), who resigned from the committee. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Professor Wendt moved to confirm the appointment of Associate Professor Asligül Göçmen (Urban and Regional Planning) to serve on the Commission on Faculty Compensation and Economic Benefits, replacing Professor Laura McClure (Classical and Near Eastern Studies), who resigned from the committee. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

Professor Wendt moved approval of Faculty Document 2649, which reduces the size of the Retirement Issues Committee. There was no discussion and the motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Professor Kristyn Masters (Biomedical Engineering) moved approval of Faculty Document 2650, which changes the membership and charge of the Committee on Undergraduate Recruitment, Admissions, and Financial Aid (CURAFA). The motion was seconded and there was one comment and one question. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Dean of Letters and Science John Karl Scholz presented the merger of the Department of History and the Department of the History of Science (Faculty Document 2651).

Professor Wendt moved approval of Faculty Document 2639 Revised, which creates a new post-tenure review policy for UW-Madison. Professor Chad Goldberg (Sociology, District 71) moved to change the last sentence of section C.7. as follows: “At the conclusion of the remediation period, the dean shall review the faculty member’s performance and determine, in consultation with the faculty member’s department chair, whether the remediation plan and criteria have been satisfied or whether further action to address the substantial deficiencies must be taken.” The motion was seconded. There was no discussion and the amendment passed unanimously by voice vote. Professor Goldberg moved to change the last sentence of section C.8. as follows: “If these are not practicable, or no other solution acceptable to the parties can be found, then the University Committee must appoint administration must convene an ad hoc committee of faculty to review proposed sanctions consistent with FPP.” The motion was seconded. There was no discussion and the amendment passed unanimously by voice vote. Associate Professor Kurt Paulsen (Urban and Regional Planning, District 76) moved to add a definition to section B.5. as follows: “An initial review indicating substantial deficiencies shall not constitute a disciplinary action under FPP 9.” The motion was seconded and there were two comments. The amendment passed unanimously by voice vote. Professor Paulsen moved to change the final sentence of section A as follows: “Departments, schools, and colleges may not use post-tenure reviews as the basis for budgetary decisions or for program modification or redirection decisions regarding program discontinuance, curtailment, modification, or redirection.” There was no discussion and the amendment passed unanimously by voice vote. Faculty Document 2639 Revised (11-7-2016) passed as amended by unanimous voice vote.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:08 p.m.

Steven K. Smith
Secretary of the Faculty

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