WiscIT - Submitting Finalist Salary Comparisons
Navigate to the finalist in WiscIT. See WiscIT - Creating and Accessing Finalists in a Recruitment.
Navigate to the HR Finalist Comparisons tab at the bottom of the page. Click New HR Finalist Comparison.
Fill out all fields for the finalist comparison. Note: In the summary section of each comparison, please compare and contrast the Finalists qualifications (experience, knowledge, skills) and job responsibilities to the comparison to help justify the Finalists salary.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have completed three finalist comparisons.
Note: If you are using the WiscIT web client, you will not receive advance notice before your session times out. For this reason, it is recommended to either save often or write your comparisons in another program e.g. Microsoft Word or Google Docs and then paste the values into the comparisons.
When ready to submit, click on the Submit Finalist Comparisons button on the main finalist form.
Once submitted, Director Review or HR Comparisons will be highlighted on the status bar (depending on whether or not the submitting manager is a director).