WiscIT - Release Notes - 2016-09-16
On Friday, September 16th, the WiscIT Team rolled out a number of fixes and enhancements detailed below.
Sprint 28
Focus of this sprint was to rebuild task workflow and additional modifications, updates highlighted below:
General Incident Updates
- Database connections to Tableau setup
- Video specifics built
- Admin access request specifics built
- Journal Concatenated View
- Updated Incident Status email to have the onsite links
- Clear resolved fields when changed from resolved status to reopened
- Remove cause code popup, can still add a cause code within the resolution tab
- SLA section has been moved to the bottom of the incident screen
- Role has been added as a hidden field on Incident. It will now be set when a customer is selected, this will allow us to report on the affiliation of a customer at the time an incident is created.
- KB link within incident is updated to the entire URL vs. just a KB doc number.
Change/Configuration Updates
- BigFix decommission process built
Workflow Updates
- Created an OnHold option for Tasks, workflows being updated to deliver all TASKS at creation and then will be set to new as they become active. This allows users to look at all of the tasks in a workflow.