Platform X: External NetID
This page is primarily for external collaborators that will be assigned a UW-Madison NetID to access certain SMPH systems (e.g. Platform X, REDCap and OnCore).
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Step A: Request Platform X Access | Step B: Manifest Invite (Registering for a NetID) |
Step C: Activate NetID | Step D: Notify SMPH |
Step A: Principal Investigator Request Access for External User
The principal investigator or member of the research team must request access for External Users Platform X Support Portal
Once the request is received from the research team the SMPH Administrator will follow the process below and you will receive an email to join a UW-Madison Manifest Group for Platform X.
Please follow instructions below in Step B.
Step B: Manifest Invite (Registering for a NetID)
A SMPH System Administrator will trigger an email inviting you to the Manifest Groups System. This process will allow external collaborators to create a UW-Madison NetID.
Step-by-step instructions along with screenshots of this process can be found in the embedded KnowledgeBase page below or at this site.
Step B
Manifest - Respond to Email Invitations for New NetIDs (Manifest, SpecPop)
Manifest - Respond to Email Invitations for New NetIDs (Manifest, SpecPop)
If you've received an email invitation to join a group this document will cover how to handle it. You may have recieved an invitation so you could access a course, research, testing materials, or any number of other things. Reading the invite description will give you an idea of what the invite is for.
- Manifest invitations appear in email inboxes as being from Manifest Groups System, with a subject line of "Invitation to join UW-Madison group '[groupname]'". The content of the email will look similar to this:
- Click on the link to follow it to a webpage that will look similar to:
- If you wish to accept the invitation, click Accept Invitation. Continue to the next step.
If you wish to decline the invitation, click Decline Invitation. Invite Declined will be displayed and your invitation will no longer work. You can exit this document and delete the email. - You will be asked if you have a NetID:
If you have ever had a NetID, even if you are unable to login, select "Yes." If you are certain that you have never had a NetID (or you have been explicitly told by NetID Account Administrators that your NetID is not active or deactivated), select "No" and skip to step 6.
- After selecting "Yes" you will be asked to login with your NetID and password on the following screen. Upon successful login you will be added to the Manifest group; you can ignore the remaining steps in this document as the process is complete.
- If you clicked "Yes" but never actually had a NetID, go back to the email with the invitation link and click it again and select "No" when you're asked if you've ever had a NetID
- If you are unable to login:
- Attempt to obtain your NetID or reset your NetID password. See NetID - Recovering a NetID Password.
- If you are unable to access your account after using the Account Recovery tool, please call the DoIT Help Desk at 608-264-HELP (608-264-4357). NetID/Password issues cannot be handled via email or chat.
- Once you obtain your NetID and password, return to step 1 and follow the steps again to complete the process by logging in successfully with your NetID/password.
- If you have never had a NetID, selecting "No" at step 4 will take you through registration.
- You will recieve a confirmation screen that you completed registration.
- Within a hour you will receive another email to activate a NetID. This step must be completed to get your login information. Follow the steps here, starting on Step 3: NetID - Activating Your Account
Note: At the end of the registration process, you may end up at the Manifest homepage (URL: This is expected behavior, you can close out of the window.
Note 2: This error is encountered when a user accepts an invitation with their current NetID that isn't active. However, the user is still successfully added to the group despite this error. The user should be able to login into Manifest after awhile, if this isn't the case please contact the Manifest Service Team.
Step C: Activate NetID
Once you have completed registration for your NetID, you will receive another email within an hour with instructions to activate your NetID.
Start with STEP 3 in the embedded KnowledgeBase page below or at this site.
Do not worry about the "ID number or Activation Key field" mentioned in step 2 - this won't apply to you since the email you received has the activation code already linked. Just start with step 3.
Step C
NetID - Activating Your Account
NetID - Activating Your Account
This document outlines how to activate your account which creates your NetID and connects you to University services
Learn more:
Note: If you are a student, faculty, or staff member that is returning to the University, you do not need to activate your NetID if you can still login successfully. However, you should Activate Missing Services to ensure that you have access to the services you are eligible for.
Step by Step Activation
- Navigate to the NetID Account Activation page,
In the ID number or Activation Key field:
If you have a Wiscard, enter the 11-digit number (including the "issue code" as the 11th digit).
If you are an applicant/student but do not have a Wiscard, enter your Campus ID or Student ID provided in your registration materials.
If you are a new UW-Madison faculty/staff member and do not have a Wiscard, contact your HR department. They will provide you with either the 10-digit Campus ID number or a 12-digit activation key. Enter that number in the field.
Under Date of Birth, use the drop down menus to select your birth date. Click the Activate button.
Note: All UW-Madison students and current faculty/staff must have a valid UW-Madison Campus ID number in order to activate their NetID account. New UW-Madison faculty and staff who need to activate their NetID prior to obtaining a Campus ID number must contact their HR department. You may have a Campus ID number even if you do not possess a physical UW-Madison photo ID card. For more information about obtaining your ID number, see Help Desk - I Need My Campus ID/Wiscard Number.
At the top of the screen, you will see the following message:
Important: If you already have a NetID, it is imperative that you click the link in the above message rather than activating a second NetID. You will then be prompted to login with your existing NetID and password, and walked through the process to link you new affiliation to your existing NetID. If you forget your existing NetID or password, see NetID Account Recovery (Password Reset). If you are unable to obtain the NetID and password using this tool, call the DoIT Help Desk. The only scenario in which you should activate a second NetID is if the Help Desk informs you that your existing NetID is inactive.
Please read the Appropriate Use Guidelines on page two of the activation process. Scroll down to the bottom of this window and highlight the I Accept radio button. Click Next.
The Appropriate Use Guidelines continue on page three of the activation process. Please read these guidelines and click the I Understand button at the bottom of the screen to continue.
- Page four of the activation process requires that you set Account Recovery Questions and a Recovery Email for your account. If you cannot remember your NetID or password, your security questions and recovery email can be used to reset your password and/or remind you of your NetID.
Select the question you would like to answer using the drop-down arrows to the right of the question. Type your answer in the box below the question. When you have answered all three questions, click the Save my answers button.
You must now set a password and a recovery email for your NetID account. Please note the password requirements on this screen. Enter your password twice at the bottom of this screen. Enter a recovery email address that does not end in in the Recovery Email field. Note that you will need to confirm this email address by clicking on the confirmation link you will receive once you've completed the activation process. Click the Activate Account button.
- If you have successfully activated your account you will see the screen below. To complete the process:
Please note your NetID and UW email address in the middle of this screen.
You must confirm your recovery email address by clicking the link in the confirmation email.
Note: A NetID Activation Summary email will also be sent to the email address you used to submit your application.
- If you have any problems activating your account please contact the DoIT Help Desk at 608-264-HELP (4357).
See Also
- MFA-Duo - How to Enroll for MFA Duo for your NetID Login Account
- My UW Early NetID Activation for New Employees/POIs (UW-Madison only)
- NetID - What is a NetID?
- NetID - Password Criteria and Requirements
- NetID Account Recovery (Password Reset)
- NetID - Modifying your Account
- NetID - Eligibility Policy
- Help Desk - I Need My Campus ID/Wiscard Number
- NetID - Common Errors When Activating Your NetID Account