Platform X: External NetID
This page is primarily for external collaborators that will be assigned a UW-Madison NetID to access certain SMPH systems (e.g. Platform X, REDCap and OnCore).
Step A: Request Platform X Access | Step B: Manifest Invite (Registering for a NetID) |
Step C: Activate NetID | Step D: Notify SMPH |
Step A: Principal Investigator Request Access for External User
The principal investigator or member of the research team must request access for External Users Platform X Support Portal
Once the request is received from the research team the SMPH Administrator will follow the process below and you will receive an email to join a UW-Madison Manifest Group for Platform X.
Please follow instructions below in Step B.
Step B: Manifest Invite (Registering for a NetID)
A SMPH System Administrator will trigger an email inviting you to the Manifest Groups System. This process will allow external collaborators to create a UW-Madison NetID.
Step-by-step instructions along with screenshots of this process can be found in the embedded KnowledgeBase page below or at this site.
Step B
Step C: Activate NetID
Once you have completed registration for your NetID, you will receive another email within an hour with instructions to activate your NetID.
Start with STEP 3 in the embedded KnowledgeBase page below or at this site.
Do not worry about the "ID number or Activation Key field" mentioned in step 2 - this won't apply to you since the email you received has the activation code already linked. Just start with step 3.
Step C