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ASA Document 373. New Scientist district

University of Wisconsin Academic Staff Assembly Document #373

Madison 13 November 2006

Proposal to Create a New District for Scientists and Instrumentation Innovators in the Medical Field

Districts 120 and 134 are currently the only districts for scientists and instrumentation innovators in the medical field. Both of these districts have been consistently outside the maximum district size limit of 75 people for several years.

Given that the combined size of districts 120 and 134 is currently well above 200 people, we propose the creation of one additional district for scientists and instrumentation innovators in the medical (and medical related) disciplines. The result will be three districts of roughly similar size.

The proposal approved by the DRC and endorsed by the relevant representative:

● retains the logic of the original two districts as much as possible

● emphasizes academic discipline over location – the original two districts were not clearly defined by location previously – unified titles, but dispersed geographically

● creates a new district, District 140, consisting of scientists from the following areas:

Grad (Waisman Center), Med School (Surgery, Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology, Pharmacology) and Pharmacy (School of Pharmacy).

District 120 maintains its roster of scientists and instrumentation innovators from the following areas: Med School (Anatomy, Anesthesiology, Dermatology, FamilyMedicine,

Obstetrics/Gynecology, Medicine,Orthopedic & Rehab, Pediatrics, Population Health Sciences and Radiology.

District 134 maintains its roster of scientists and instrumentation innovators from the following areas: Med School (Biostatistics, Genetics, Human Oncology, Comprehensive

Cancer Center, Medical Microbiology, Medical Physics, Neurology, Oncology, Pathology & Lab Medicine, Biomolecular Chemistry and Physiology).

ASA Document 373 
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Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff