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ASA Document 395. DRC Annual Report 06-07

Academic Staff Assembly Document #395

10 December 2007

Districting and Representation Committee 
Annual Report for 2006-07


•Each month, the DRC districted an average of 154 new academic staff members and reviewed district assignments for an average of 99 academic staff members with changes in title or department. This amounted to a total of 3,024 district placements and reviews for the year. As of the end of the 2006-07 fiscal year, the total number of academic staff in the districting database was 7211. 
•Reviewed district profiles and district membership for logic and consistency, making corrections as needed. Responded to individual queries about districts and/or district placement. 
•Reviewed districts and adjusted as needed to fit within required size limits (35 to 75 members per district). 
•Provided Secretary’s office with monthly lists of new and changed academic staff. 
•Updated the DRC database of district members on a monthly basis and posted to the DRC website - 
•Updated Public District Profiles (PDP) and “short” district descriptions as necessary - found on DRC web site and Academic Staff Assembly Handbook. 
•Contacted representatives as needed regarding “grandparenting.” This procedure allows a representative who typically would be moved to a new district due to title, department or location change to remain in their district for one year or the next district election, whichever is later. 
•Continued development of a long-term DRC report.

2006-07 Committee Members 
Brian Deith 
Anne Gunther, 07-08 Chair 
Charlene Krembs, 06-07 Chair

Erica Laughlin 
Mark Werner 
Bambi Wilson

KeywordsASA Document 395   Doc ID34606
OwnerLesley F.GroupThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
Created2013-10-21 10:16:32Updated2020-07-13 15:43:16
SitesThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
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