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ASA Document 352. PDRC Annual Report 04-05


The PDRC honors the memory of Barry Robinson, an academic staff leader for many years and most recently, co-chair of the Professional Development and Recognition Committee. Barry died unexpectedly on April 19, 2005, ending too soon a life that exemplified the heartfelt service for which he was awarded the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Service to the University in 2003.

Committee members: Daña Alder (co-chair), Sandy Bertics, Donna Cole, Gesele Durham, Lisa Jansen, Julie McGivern, Robert Stone Newsom, Kevin Niemi, Barry Robinson (co-chair), David Werther

The responsibilities of the Academic Staff Professional Development and Recognition Committee are to:
" Promote the concept of professional development and recognition for UW-Madison academic staff. 
" Work with the administration to explore and develop programs to enhance the professional skills and abilities of academic staff. 
" Make recommendations regarding the review of and changes to academic staff professional development guidelines. 
" Work with the administration, the UW Foundation and the faculty to locate or create funding resources for professional development.
Following is a summary of the PDRC's major work from July 1, 2004, to June 30, 2005.
I. Brown Bag Presentations
The PDRC collaborated with the Madison Academic Staff Association and the Mentoring Committee to present the following Brown Bag presentations in 2004-2005: How to Write a Successful Professional Development Grant by Lisa Jansen of the PDRC (presented once each semester); Current Legislative Events by Academic Staff Public Representation Organization (ASPRO) Lobbyist Janet Swandby; Campus Safety by Sue Riseling, UW Police Department Chief of Police; Stress Management by Rob Sepich, University Health Services; Student Issues by Dean of Students Luoluo Hong; Services of the Employee Assistance Office by Director Steve Pearson; Retirement Planning by Dorie Geniesee.
II. Professional Development Grants
Each semester, the PDRC reviews and selects grants submitted by academic staff members for professional development. Ongoing funds for these grants are provided by the UW System, and this year the UW-Madison's Provost's Office made a special contribution of $5000 to support one large professional development request that will benefit about 100 academic staff across campus. In the fall semester, 64 grant applications were reviewed, and 43 of these were funded for a total of $32,408. In the spring semester, 38 grant requests were reviewed, and 28 were funded for a total of $32,109.
III. Awards
One of the PDRC's primary functions is to screen and select or recommend for selection the recipients of various recognition awards. In addition, the committee each year reviews the criteria and procedures for awards to see where improvements can be made. Awards and nominees for 2004-2005 included the following:
A. UW-Madison Academic Staff Excellence Awards
Wisconsin Alumni Association Award for Excellence in Leadership: Robert Fessenden, Associate Director, University Housing
Wisconsin Alumni Association Award for Excellence in Leadership: Lisa Steinkamp, Program Director, Division of Physical Therapy, School of Medicine
Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Research: B'Ann True Gabelt, Associate Scientist, Department of Opthalmology and Visual Sciences 
Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Research: M. Isabel Tejedor-Anderson, Senior Scientist, Water Science Engineering Laboratory
Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Service to the University: Henry Huang, Senior Information Processing Consultant, Memorial Library and Union South
Robert Heideman Award for Excellence in Public Service: Anne Lambert, Curator of Education, Elvehjem Museum of Art
Ann Wallace Career Achievement Award: Karen Schwarz, Senior Administrative Program Specialist, McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research
Chancellor's Hilldale Award for Excellence in Teaching: Karen Young, Clinical Professor, Department of Pathobiological Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine
B. Nominations Forwarded to UW System
The PDRC also forwarded two nominations for UW System awards for review and consideration. Jason Bittner was forwarded as the Madison nominee for the Academic Staff Regents Award for Excellence, and Larry Edgerton, Faculty Associate in the College of Letters and Science, was nominated and selected by System for the Alliant Underkofler Excellence in Teaching Award.

C. Executive Education grants
Through the generosity of the School of Business, significantly reduced-price fees are available to academic staff who want to take courses in the Executive Education Program. Applications are reviewed by a subcommittee of the PDRC. This year's recipients and their courses are:
1. James Maynard, Department of Chemistry--Unit One: Leading and Working with People
2. Dave Black, WSUM--Leading and Coaching People to Higher Performance
3. Bruno Browning, L & S Learning Support Services--Leading and Coaching People to Higher Performance
4. Randall Massey, School of Medicine--Developing Management Skills
5. L. Stuart Baker, Department of Entomology--Unit One: Leading and Working with People

ASA Document 352 
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