2004-2005 Annual Report
June 17, 2005
Major projects during the year
Drafted various revisions in Academic Staff Policies and Procedures (ASPP) for consideration by the Academic Staff Assembly; all of the following received Assembly approval and are awaiting approval by the Provost and then transmission to the Board of Regents
ÂÂ Clarified definitions of budget or program decision, funding loss, and years of service and added a definition of employing unit
ÂÂ Allowed departments to offer new employees only the web addresses of two lengthy documents
ÂÂ Specified that the employee selects the representatives present during appeals
ÂÂ Allowed joinder of cases of nonrenewal as well as layoff
ÂÂ Made consistent the language on the basis of appeals for nonrenewals and layoffs
ÂÂ Allowed for delaying a personal presentation in a dean's review of a dismissal
ÂÂ Added language to recognize the new Ombuds Office as another source of advice and information during informal resolution of an employment problem
ÂÂ Suggested that academic staff with supervisory roles should be reviewed as supervisors
[**new (passed by Assembly in April 2005)]
ÂÂ Added to ASPP the statutory language establishing academic staff governance
ÂÂ Removed the requirement for evaluations of staff on terminal appointments; added a requirement that the dean, director, or designee approve terminations of appointments during the evaluation period and that the employee be given the reasons
ÂÂ Introduced the idea of suspending the evaluation period in certain circumstances
ÂÂ Changed the language to strongly recommend rather than require a written performance evaluation at the midpoint of a period of evaluation
ÂÂ Allowed an employee to receive reasons if new or increased job security is not offered
ÂÂ Clarified the procedure when a new employer is willing to continue a previously granted indefinite appointment
ÂÂ Clarified the information distribution after an appeal is filed
ÂÂ Renamed Chapter 4 and added an explanatory note about probationary appointments
Continued to monitor job security at the UW-Madison
ÂÂ Sent to all academic staff a flyer describing the ASPP-mandated review of employees with five or more years of service for a rolling-horizon, indefinite, or multiple-year appointment
ÂÂ Reviewed the school and college reports on job security offered or modified during 2003-04; reviewed questionable reasons for denying job security to long-term employees; prepared a summary report and sent copies to the Assembly and school and college Committees on Academic Staff Issues
Other topics addressed
Committee members
Daniel Barnish
Maureen Noonan Bischof
Carlotta Calmese
Jeanne Hendricks
Carla Love
John Mather
Amy Pritchard
Rebecca Ryan
Ann Wallace (Chair)