Results: 141-160 of 858

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
141ASA Document 696. Resolution to Approve Candidate Eligibility for Transitioning UW-Extension Academic Staff897892020-07-132140
142ASA Document 695. Assembly Standing Committee Annual Reports 2017-18897872020-07-132108
143ASA Document 694. 2018 ASEC and ASA Standing Committee Election Results897862020-07-132014
144ASA Document 691. UW Madison Policy on Consensual Relationships897842020-07-132132
145ASA Document 689. Report of 2017-18 Academic Staff Assembly Business897832020-07-132143
146ASA Document 688. Memorial Roll Call897822020-07-131980
147ASA Document 693. Memorial Resolution for Patrick Mark Heinritz897752020-07-132020
148ASA Document 682. Nominating Committee Member811042020-07-132299
149ASA Document 681. Resolution Supporting the Recommendation of the Ad Hoc Committee on Research Scientist Titles811032020-07-132471
150ASA Document 680. Committee for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer People in the University Annual Report811012020-07-132532
151ASA Document 679. Campus Transportation Committee Annual Report810992020-07-132216
152ASA Document 467. Resolution Concerning The Carrying of Dangerous Weapons To Campus (Resolution Not Adopted)349852020-07-132731
153ASA Document 475. ASEC Statement - Heather McFadden349942020-07-132619
154ASA Document 474. Memorial Resolution - Rebecca Holz349932020-07-132668
155ASA Document 469. Memorial Resolution - John Torphy349882020-07-132527
156ASA Document 462. School of Nursing CASI Annual Report 2010-2011349782020-07-132547
157ASA Document 473. Distinguished Prefix Guidlines349922020-07-132795
158ASA Document 476. Standing Committee Slates349952020-07-132464
159ASA Document 472. Elaine Staley Recognition Resolution349912020-07-132508
160ASA Document 520A. Professor of Practice Resolution403672020-07-132262
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