Results: 41-60 of 98

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
41ASA Document 162. Academic Staff Memorial Resolutions Guidelines339302020-07-132450
42ASA Document 163. Motion - DRC - Districting Profiles339322020-07-132359
43ASA Document 164. Proposal from PPPC to Amend Acad. Staff P&P Chapter 9339332020-07-132479
44ASA Document 165. Initial ASEC Slate339342020-07-132433
45ASA Document 166. Motion - To Fill Unexpired Term on NC of Barry Robinson339352020-07-132467
46ASA Document 167. ASEC Ballot - 1996339362020-07-132336
47ASA Document 168. Resolution - BOR authority for unclassified staff339372020-07-132571
48ASA Document 169. UW System ASPRO Bylaws339382020-07-132405
49ASA Document 150. PPPC Slate339182020-07-132201
50ASA Document 114. NC Ballot (1993)338512020-07-132347
51ASA Document 126. CEBC Slate (1994)338642020-07-132457
52ASA Document 125. Official ASEC Ballot338632020-07-132244
53ASA Document 124. Initial ASEC Slate (1994)338622020-07-132287
54ASA Document 123. Nominees to ASPRO Board of Directors338612020-07-132460
55ASA Document 122. Memorial Resolution for Kenneth D. Kostenbader, Jr.338602020-07-132323
56ASA Document 121. Revocation of Athletic Dept. Portion of Parking Fees338592020-07-132718
57ASA Document 120. Academic Staff Assembly Districts338582020-07-132444
58ASA Document 119. Composition of the Athletic Board338562020-07-132431
59ASA Document 118. SCPPP Motions on Emeritus Status for Academic Staff338552020-07-132779
60ASA Document 117. PDRC Ballot338542020-07-132238
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