Request a Student Job Change :: Student Hourly - Request Job Changes to a Student Hourly Appointment
If you are approaching the expected end date of a student employee or need to request a pay increase, you can follow the steps below to submit this request. This is contingent on verifying continued funding and the eligibility of the individual to be employed as a student hourly employee.

Note: ASU OHR will send out emails to time approvers to confirm current students on payroll and expected job end dates every semester.


  1. Verify that there is continued funding that can be used to pay for the student.
    • If the funding will be changing and you verify the new source of funding with your supervisor, you can work with your financial manager for the new correct funding string. Make sure to send a short justification, including who is paying for the student position(s) and where the funding is coming from. 
  2. Obtain approval from your Division's appropriate VC/VC Designee
  3. Email  and include the following information in your request:
    • Provide the legal first and last name.
    • Provide new funding string if funding source is changing.
    • Provide new expected job end date and/or new pay rate.
    • Make sure to Cc your supervisor and VC/VC Designee on the email that you send to ASU OHR.

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