Topics Map > Slate (Grad Admissions)

Run and download Homepage Queries

How to use the pre-built queries available on a Graduate Coordinator's homepage in Slate

Running a Query

  1. Navigate to the Slate homepage; Homepage Queries will be located in the bottom left part of the screen
    Screenshot of the Slate homepage, with the Homepage Queries section highlighted in the lower left side of the screen.
  2. Select the query link you wish to run

  3. In the following page, select the Run Query button.

  4. Review the query results to see what kinds of information can be populated from this query. Please note that you can horizontally scroll to reveal more columns of data. Shown below is an example query result.Screenshot of a query that has been run.

Exporting to an Excel Spreadsheet

The default export option is downloading the populated data into an Excel Spreadsheet.

To do so:

  1. Select Excel Spreadsheet as your Output
  2. Click the Export button.

Screenshot of exporting query results to an Excel Spreadsheet.

KeywordsSlate queries homepage excel pdf applicant list   Doc ID131613
OwnerEric L.GroupGraduate School
Created2023-09-21 12:23:25Updated2023-11-24 16:00:48
SitesGraduate School
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