Support News

Total: 1780   Displaying: 221 - 240 
News item list
221CloudFax Migrations Starting July 27, 20202020-06-08 11:52:262020-12-15 11:50:16
222Project Update: Migration button live on 6/1 for WiscList list admins2020-06-05 11:13:562020-12-12 11:12:50
223UW-Madison Box accounts storage caps2020-06-03 13:11:082020-12-10 13:05:41
224Blackboard Collaborate Ultra: Scheduled Maintenance (06/13/20)2020-06-02 09:07:412020-06-13 18:00:00
225DoIT Help Desk Summer 2020 Hours2020-05-22 11:12:582020-08-23 23:00:00
226Canvas - Kaltura media gallery and embed tools renamed on Friday, May 15 20202020-05-15 02:38:282020-09-19 07:17:16
227Canvas - Google Apps and O365 LTI Maintenance (5/16)2020-05-13 07:35:552020-05-17 07:30:50
228Canvas - Quizzing Recommendations for Large Courses2020-04-29 00:08:522020-05-09 05:00:00
229Canvas - Instructure Server Maintenance (4/29)2020-04-23 10:28:312020-04-30 10:00:00
230Canvas - Google Apps and O365 LTI Maintenance (5/1)2020-04-23 06:17:582020-05-02 10:30:00
231Turnitin - Issue with accessing Turnitin reported 4/21/2020 (RESOLVED)2020-04-21 03:57:462020-04-28 08:53:34
232Canvas - Users may be experiencing slowness (4/20) (RESOLVED)2020-04-20 03:41:082020-04-21 07:00:00
233Blackboard Collaborate Original: Unexpected Service Outage (11:30 a.m. 04/16/20) - RESOLVED2020-04-16 02:44:022020-04-17 16:45:00
234Canvas - Instructure Server Maintenance (4/7)2020-04-07 08:17:522020-04-14 08:07:35
235Kaltura Extended Maintenance (March 30 - April 30, 2020)2020-04-01 12:06:412020-04-30 15:30:00
236Canvas - Users may be experiencing slowness (3/31) (RESOLVED)2020-03-30 22:17:482020-04-03 08:13:04
237Canvas - Google Apps LTI Maintenance (3/30)2020-03-30 04:57:192020-04-03 14:49:54
238Kaltura MediaSpace and Canvas integration are not working (RESOLVED)2020-03-29 23:50:582020-04-06 19:45:25
239Canvas - Users may be experiencing slowness (3/30) (RESOLVED)2020-03-29 18:53:272020-04-06 09:29:00
240Canvas - Scheduled Media Server Maintenance (3/28)2020-03-27 04:14:102020-03-30 09:00:00
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