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Canvas - Online Proctoring of Departmental Placement Exams and Credit by Departmental Exams [UW-Madison]

This document describes how to administer a Departmental Placement exam or Credit by Departmental Exam using Canvas and Honorlock.

A Departmental Placement Exam or Credit by Departmental Exam must be approved through governance before it can be administered, and before completing any actions outlined in this document. Lists of approved Departmental Placement Exams and Credit by Departmental Exams can be found in the undergraduate section of the Guide. For overview and context on these types of examinations, view the Policy on Credit by Departmental Exam and the Policy on Departmental Placement Examinations.

Honorlock online proctoring is available to UW-Madison faculty, instructors and students exclusively in credit-based courses. Special permissions have also been granted for the use of Honorlock for administering online, approved Departmental Placement Exams and Credit by Departmental Exams. This document outlines the process of using Canvas courses for administering and proctoring online Departmental Placement Exams and Credit by Departmental Exams. 

Requesting a Departmental Exam Canvas Course

To get started, submit the Non-Credit Canvas Course Request Form. Your exam must be verified as approved in the UW-Madison Guide in order to receive a Canvas course and use Honorlock. Requests may take 3-4 business days to be fulfilled. There are six different types of Non-Credit Canvas courses to choose from under the What is the purpose of this course? heading. You will select “Departmental Exam” as your purpose when submitting this request form.


Enabling Honorlock in a Canvas Course

After you have received notification of your course creation, you will want to enable Honorlock in your Canvas course. Honorlock is initially hidden from the left-hand navigation bar by default. For step-by-step instructions of the enabling process, review the document Honorlock - Enabling Honorlock in Canvas (Instructor).

Hiding All Other Items in the Canvas Left-Hand Navigation Bar

The purpose of a Canvas Departmental Exam Course is to proctor online exams using Honorlock, thus features like Discussions and Assignments that are used in academic courses will not be used and should be hidden from the student view in Canvas. Instructions for hiding course navigation items can be found in the Canvas document How do I manage Course Navigation Links?

It is recommended to hide all navigation links in a Departmental Exam Canvas course except for Honorlock. Hiding unnecessary navigation links will reduce student error in taking proctored exams. If the steps have been followed correctly, the instructor view of the left-hand navigation bar for a Departmental Exam Course should look like this:

Instructor view of Canvas navigation bar

When students log into a Departmental Exam Course the navigation bar will only show Honorlock, like this:

Student view of Canvas navigation bar

Adding and Removing Individuals from a Canvas Course

All noncredit Canvas Courses, including Departmental Exam courses, require manual enrollments (which are enrollments that are not automatically populated from the Student Information System). When a Departmental Exam Course is created, the only person enrolled in the course will be the course requester. The course requester will be given a Teacher role

It will be the responsibility of the requester to add and remove individuals from the Departmental Exam Course. People that may need to be added are any academic support staff, as well as students that need to take a Departmental Placement Exam or Credit by Departmental Exam. For step-by-step instructions on how to add individuals to a Canvas course review the document Canvas - Adding People to a Canvas Course. For information on removing individuals from a Canvas course, review the Canvas Community document How do I remove an enrollment from my course?

Creating an Online Departmental Placement Exam or Credit by Departmental Exam

Honorlock is designed for online proctoring of assessments in the Canvas learning management system (LMS). Honorlock integrates well with Canvas Quizzes, but can also offer online proctoring for third-party assessment tools.

Departmental Placement Exams and Credit by Departmental Exams need to be created in an online format. This can be accomplished through creating a Canvas Quiz or creating an assessment in a third-party tool such as WebAssign, McGraw-Hill Connect, Atomic Assessment, ALEKS, or Examplify. If you would like to use a third-party tool that is not listed above, please send an email to to ensure the tool will work with the Honorlock third-party integration.

Support for Honorlock is provided by the vendor and can be obtained by using the chat feature directly in canvas or emailing

Setting Up Honorlock with Canvas Quizzes or Third-Party Assessment Tool

Many resources are available to guide instructors through enabling Honorlock with Canvas Quizzes and third-party online assessment tools. The Learn@UW document, Honorlock - Overview (UW-Madison), is a great place to start for an overview of Honorlock and resources for instructors. 

Additional resources for enabling Honorlock with Canvas Quizzes and third-party tools:


The Honorlock interfaces for administrators, instructors, and end-users are fully ADA accessible and compliant with the Section 508 of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Honorlock has an accessibility statement including student and instructor Accessibility Guides.

UW-Madison has many of its own accessibility resources as it relates to Honorlock, including accessibility & useability with the instructor experience, the student experience, and steps for instructors on how to implement disability-related accommodations when enabling Honorlock proctored assessments.

Reviewing Honorlock Proctoring Results

Proctoring results will be located in the Honorlock LTI within the Canvas course. Instructors will locate the specific assessment of interest and select the Results button to review results for academic integrity. Review the Honorlock document How to View your Honorlock Results for more detailed steps of this process.

Viewing Exam Grades

If a Canvas Quiz was used to administer a Departmental Placement Exam or Credit by Departmental Exam, the score for the exam can be found in the Canvas course gradebook, along with the class roster.

If a third-party assessment was used with Honorlock proctoring, then the grade of the assessment will be located in the third-party tool, not Canvas. If keeping exam scores in the Canvas course is desired, the exam scores can be manually entered into the course gradebook. Exam results can also be imported to the Canvas gradebook by using a CSV file, if the assessment tool used exports grades in this manner.

honorlock placement entry exam test quiz entry departmental exam 
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