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Canvas - Grading Schemes

This document explains the concept of grading schemes, schemes available at UW-Madison, and how to apply a grading scheme to your Canvas course.


Every Canvas course allows the instructor to designate a grading scheme. The grading scheme is a table identifying how numeric scores in a course get translated into a letter grade. This document explains how to designate an existing grading scheme for a Canvas course, and how to build a new grading scheme, if desired.

What is a Grading Scheme?

When a student participates in an academic course, they are typically completing assignments and taking quizzes and exams that result in a numeric score. Often, that score is simply a percent out of 100% of the points available.

Most academic institutions, including UW-Madison, do not accept numeric scores in their final, official, student registry. Instead, a letter grade is required. Therefore, numeric scores need to be converted into letter grades.

That conversion is accomplished through a device known as a grading scheme. This grading scheme is a table that designates ranges of percent scores, and identifies the appropriate corresponding letter-grade.

Overview of UW-Madison Grading System

Academic grading at UW-Madison permits only the following grades in a for-credit, timetable course: A, AB, B, BC, C, D, or F. For more information, refer to the Valid Grades guide provided by the Office of the Registrar.

The following is an example of a valid grading scheme for UW-Madison.

100% to 94% = A
<94% to 89% = AB
<89% to 83% = B
<83% to 78% = BC
<78% to 73% = C
<73% to 66% = D
<66% = F

The numbers provided here merely serve as an example. Each college, school or instructor may have authority to determine their own grading schemes.

The Canvas Grading Scheme

Canvas has a feature that allows the instructor to designate a grading scheme in a given Canvas course. Designating a grading scheme gives students feedback on their academic standing throughout a semester. It is also a requirement if you are employing the Faculty Center Grade Prep tool (found in the Canvas gradebook).

Unfortunately, the default, pre-built grading scheme in the UW-Madison Canvas instance does not conform to our valid grades structure. When designating a Canvas grading scheme for their course, you will need to either select another pre-built grading scheme or build one of your own.

Pre-built UW-Madison Grading Scheme

The UW-Madison Canvas administrator created a basic grading scheme that does conform to the official UW-Madison valid grades. That grading scheme is titled UW-Madison and it has been placed inside every new Canvas course.

The UW-Madison grading scheme is displayed below.

100% to 90% = A

< 90% to 85% = AB

<85% to 80% = B

<80% to 75% = BC

<75% to 70% = C

<70% to 60% = D

<60% = F

If you are satisfied with this grading scheme, you can apply it to your Canvas course (see below.) If you are not satisfied with this UW-Madison grading scheme, you will need to build your own grading scheme (next).

Build Your Own Grading Scheme

To build your own grading scheme:

  1. Open the Canvas course.

  2. Go to Settings.

  3. Scroll down and ensure there is a check in the checkbox labeled Enable course grading scheme.

  4. Click the link Manage All Grading Schemes.

  5. Select the New Grading Scheme button.
    New Grading scheme button, highlighted in orange

  6. In the resulting window, give the new grading scheme a name. (You will be able to use this grading scheme in other courses, and in future semesters.)

  7. Fill in all the rows as you wish, listing each letter grade and the appropriate percentages.

  8. Use the add icon and the delete icons as necessary to expand or contract the scheme.

  9. When finished, select Save.
    Save button is listed below grades. It is outlined in orange in the image.

Apply a Grading Scheme to Your Canvas Course

Whether you choose to work with the pre-built UW-Madison grading scheme, or you have built your own custom grading scheme, you will finally need to apply a grading scheme to your Canvas course.

To apply a grading scheme to your Canvas course:

  1. Open the Canvas course.

  2. Go to Settings.

  3. Scroll down and ensure there is a check in the checkbox labeled Enable course grading scheme.

  4. Select on the drop-down box that appears. (See image.)
    Drop-down list displays various grading schemes that are available

  5. Select the desired grading scheme.

  6. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and select the Update Course Details button.

Keywordsgrade template letter percentage edit modify apply new build   Doc ID135037
OwnerLearn@UW MadisonGroupLearn@UW-Madison
Created2024-01-25 17:04:37Updated2024-01-26 14:42:16
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Learn@UW-Madison
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