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Kaltura - How to Add a Captions File to Media in MediaSpace [UW-Madison]

This document describes how to add a captions file to your media in Kaltura MediaSpace.
    1. Launch Chrome or Firefox and go to Kaltura MediaSpace: If you need more information on how to log in to MediaSpace please see Kaltura - How to Log in to Kaltura MediaSpace [UW-Madison] .
    2. Click on your name or the person silhouette icon in the upper right corner and click My Media:
      Screenshot showing the user having clicked their user icon in Kaltura MediaSpace with the cursor hovering over the drop-down menu option "My Media".
    3. Search for or scroll until you find the video you want to edit.
    4. Click on the media’s Edit button which looks like a pencil:
      Screenshot showing a user's Kaltura Mediaspace media displayed. The cursor hovers over a pencil icon. The pencil icon and cursor are outlined in orange.
    5. Click on the Captions tab:
      A screen shot showing the "Edit" screen. The user has clicked on the "Captions" tab with is outlined in orange to help highlight it.
    6. Click the Upload captions file button:
      A screenshot of the "Upload captions file" button.
    7. An Upload a captions file window will open:
      A screenshot of the "Upload a captions file" window. Next to "Select a file" there is a button called "Browse". Next to "Language" there is a drop-down menu with various languages. Next to label is a blank field. At the bottom of the window there is a "Cancel" button and a "Save" button.
      1. Click Browse and select an SRT or DFXP caption file.
      2. Click the Select language drop-down menu to select the caption language.
      3. Enter a label for the caption. This is what will display for the user when they click the caption button while playing back your media.
      4. Click Save to upload the file.
    8. The file is added to a table on the media's Captions tab and is an option for users to display when viewing your media when they click the CC button:
      A detail screenshot of a Kaltura video. The "CC" button is outlined in orange and has been clicked on to show the caption options for a video. The cursor hovers over "English (American)"

    KeywordsAdd caption mediaspace kaltura captioning media video subtitle upload srt dfxp media   Doc ID42481
    OwnerLearn@UW MadisonGroupLearn@UW-Madison
    Created2014-08-05 10:23:09Updated2024-01-02 12:33:30
    SitesDoIT Help Desk, Learn@UW-Madison
    Feedback  0   0