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Topics Map > Advanced Content Authoring & Reporting (ACAR) > Storyline

Advanced Content Authoring and Reporting - Configuring a Canvas assignment to use a Storyline module uploaded to WordPress / GrassBlade [UW-Madison]

This document covers configuring a Canvas assignment to use a Storyline module after it's been uploaded to WordPress/GrassBlade.

You'll need the LTI Link from the Storyline module that you uploaded to WordPress/GrassBlade as outlined in Advanced Content Authoring and Reporting - Uploading a Storyline module to WordPress/GrassBlade [UW-Madison]. Once you have that LTI link, you can add the module to a Canvas Assignment. The following steps outline that process:

  1. In your Canvas course, click on the Assignments link in the Navigation bar.
  2. Create a new assignment, by clicking on the + Assignment button in the upper right hand corner of the page.
    Add assignment button in Canvas
  3. Give your assignment an Assignment Name.
  4. Add how many points you would like to award for the grade and select the Assignment Group and Display Grade as you would like for your course.
  5. In Submission Type, select External Tool.
  6. In the Enter or find an External Tool URL text window, paste the LTI link found in the GrassBlade editing page noted above. You can also check the Load This Tool In a New Tab checkbox if you would like the module to load in a new tab. Keep it unchecked if you want to load it while keeping the Canvas course navigation menu:
    Screenshot from Canvas showing the user setting the "External Tool URL" to the LTI link.
  7. Add the Due, Available from, and Until dates if you'd like to use them.
  8. Click Save & Publish if you want to make it immediately available to your students or click Save if you plan on making further edits to it in the future. Just remember to publish it once you're ready for your students to use it.

You should now be able to launch your assignment and see the content in WordPress/Grassblade. You can also add the assignment in the Modules tool. Once your assignment is configured, you'll want to learn how to either manually push a grade from your module to Canvas or setup auto grade push as outlined in Advanced Content Authoring and Reporting - Sending a grade from a Storyline module in WordPress to Canvas [UW-Madison].

If you encounter any difficulties while going through the steps above, please don't hesitate to contact the DoIT Help Desk

, storyline, wordpress, grassblade, canvas, lti, assignment, ACAR, advanced content, authoring, reporting, xapi 
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