HelioCampus AC - Eval - Getting Started with Online Course Evaluations (Admin) [UW-Madison]

This document provides resources and instructions for getting started as an HelioCampus AC administrator for course evaluations. All HelioCampus AC course evaluation KBs say "HelioCampus AC - Eval" in front of each title.

HelioCampus AC LLC (Assessment, Evaluation, Feedback & Intervention System) is a web-based assessment management platform that facilitates the collection and application of real-time assessment data. For more information about the transition to online course evaluations visit the Digital Course Evaluation Surveys.

Overview of HelioCampus AC Course Evaluations

There are three steps to complete to create HelioCampus AC course evaluations. 

  1. Create a survey form - The survey form is the master copy of the survey. It has all of the course evaluation questions. Each department can decide how many forms they wish to create: maybe only one master survey; maybe one undergrad, and one graduate level survey; maybe a different survey form to assess TAs.
  2. Schedule the survey form - To put a survey form into action, that form needs to be scheduled to run. You can create a schedule each semester. Or, schedules can be set to run automatically each semester.
  3. Survey instance - Once the survey schedule is published, it will produce a survey instance. The survey instance is the specific copy of the survey form that will be distributed to the students. It is at this point that you will specify which course sections will receive the survey for this semester. 

For each of the steps above, further details are listed below.

Accessing HelioCampus AC

Unlike student and instructor accounts, HelioCampus AC college/department administrator accounts are NOT created automatically. To request a new HelioCampus AC administrator account, see HelioCampus AC - Users - Requesting a User Account [UW-Madison].

After your account has been set up, you can log into HelioCampus AC at https://heliocampusac.wisc.edu.

Initial Setup

When you first get access to HelioCampus AC, you should perform some initial setup tasks.

Creating a Survey Form

Survey forms possess the questions that are distributed to the survey participants (that is, the students).

Setting up a Survey Schedule

After you have completed and published your Survey Form, you will need to set up a Survey Schedule. Survey Schedules determine when your survey will be sent. The Survey Schedule name is the name the students will see. You can create a new Survey Schedule every semester or, if your survey will not be changing from semester to semester, you can set the schedule to run every semester (recommended).

Managing and Assigning Course Sections to Survey

A Survey is what most users think of as the actual survey. You will hear it called survey instance in much of our training and documentation. It is created after you publish your Survey Schedule.

You can perform administrative tasks at the Survey level, such as changing release dates, excluding instructors from evaluation, and adding section-specific evaluation questions.

Most importantly, you must assign your Survey to the course sections in your department that you wish to survey. If you do not assign the survey, students will not be able to take it. Course sections must be assigned new every semester.

Creating Reports

Additional Resources

Keywordsonline course evaluations, scantron, assessment, evaluation, mobile, web-based, course eval, learning assessment, course evaluations, AEFIS, afis, direct assessment,   Doc ID64150
OwnerLearn@UW MadisonGroupLearn@UW-Madison
Created2016-06-16 10:56:52Updated2024-07-29 12:57:09
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Learn@UW-Madison
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