Results: 1-20 of 182

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
1Enrollment112699Office of the Registrar2024-12-2035631
2Eligibility for Adobe Creative Cloud Licensed By University of Wisconsin System's ETLA78460DoIT Help Desk2024-11-256731
3Remote access to CAE Linux Computers106117CAE2022-08-168123
4L&S Summer Budget Proposals85475L&S KB2024-09-1910826
5Instructional Staffing Request Form - L&S119153L&S KB2025-01-096432
6L&S Summer Term: Links and Resources118900L&S KB2024-08-193407
7Communications from L&S Teaching & Learning Administration116656L&S KB2025-01-276866
8Communications from L&S Human Resources & Payroll [Campus login required]124490L&S KB2025-01-3164
9Lecturer (SA) appointments in L&S32748L&S KB2024-06-2115170
10Canvas - Importing Content from another Canvas Course [UW-Madison]98589Learn@UW-Madison2024-01-057510
11Web Hosting - Terms of Use44461DoIT Web Hosting2025-02-0312195
12Leaving the University of Wisconsin-Madison78565DoIT Help Desk2025-01-1565858
13Help Desk - Email List Feature Mapping for Google Groups, Microsoft 365 Groups, and Eloqua101401DoIT Help Desk2024-03-019098
14L&S Standard Rates for Short-term Instructional Staff (STS) and Student Assistants28638L&S KB2025-02-0452217
15L&S Summer Instructional Appointments: Policy and Guidance85547L&S KB2024-12-1712800
16L&S Short-term Staffing Requests88848L&S KB2024-11-0410466
17L&S Summer Term Planning, Implementation, and Budgets21681L&S KB2024-08-1914472
18L&S Recruitment of Short-Term Staff37654L&S KB2024-06-2420714
19Referral Priority (RP) Information Guide65542HR Policies2024-10-2410435
20Summer Collegiate Experience132475L&S KB2024-09-302248
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