Fax to Email Service - How primary Key Users can link additional email accounts

The campus CloudFax service provides fax to email capabilities. For those that have been identified as Key Users, (the primary monitor of fax email), you may want to add a team member, or 2nd key user as a backup to monitor the account. This article provides steps on how the designated Key User can add any number of additional NetIDs as linked accounts.

Step-by-step guide

To add an additional linked account, the NetID of the account you want to link is required.

  1. Open https://mail.wisc.edu/admin
  2. Login with you UW Madison NetID.
  3. Click on the fax_608yyyzzzz email address in your list of accounts.  If the address for which you are the Key User does not appear, please click on Delegated Administration from the top toolbar.
  4. In the account management section, click on Account Administration followed by Linked Accounts.
  5. In the New Linked NetID box, enter the NetID for the additional account.  Click Add when finished.

At this point, it take up to 24 hours for the settings to propagate in the additional user's email account.  After 24 hours, please ask the additional user, or users, to login to https://mail.wisc.edu and at the first landing page, they should have an additional service account for the fax email address.  If they do not, please open a service request with Surgery IT - link below.

FAQs and Support

fax primary key users 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Viviana P. in UW Surgery
UW Department of Surgery