Results: 1-20 of 181

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1Learn@UW - Getting Help with Supported Tools for Teaching [UW-Madison]667932024-01-1711517
2Piazza - Getting Started with Piazza [UW-Madison]1219652023-12-151978
3Piazza - Overview [UW-Madison]305022023-02-0838328
4Canvas - Getting Started [UW-Madison]1219752024-04-1210141
5Zoom (Canvas Integration) - Overview [UW-Madison]1080052023-12-208774
6Canvas - Overview [UW-Madison]626302023-09-2251031
7Canvas - Using Learning Analytics in Canvas [UW-Madison]1131392023-12-055763
8Turnitin - Overview [UW-Madison]983502024-02-215708
9UDOIT - Getting Started [UW-Madison]1184272023-12-152342
10UDOIT Accessibility Checker - Overview [UW-Madison]1148032023-12-073542
11Kaltura - Overview [UW-Madison]454632023-12-0719254
12Canvas - Faculty Center Grade Prep Tool and Final Grade Preparation [UW-Madison]692492024-03-0523165
13Help Desk - Common Support Links6902023-06-205369
14Remote Working and Learning - Troubleshooting Common Technical Issues993042023-06-1611046
15Canvas - Importing Content from another Canvas Course [UW-Madison]985892024-01-056264
16Canvas - Upload and Embed a New Kaltura Mediaspace Video in a Canvas Page [UW-Madison]629512023-12-1957277
17Advanced Content Authoring and Reporting - Using interactive Storyline modules with WordPress/GrassBlade, Learning Locker, and Canvas [UW-Madison]765342023-02-0811202
18Learn@UW - Known Issues and Workarounds [UW-Madison]766142024-02-2312748
19Honorlock - Enabling Honorlock in Canvas (Instructor) [UW-Madison]1032112023-02-087734
20Which video conferencing or webinar tool should I use? (Google Meet, Cisco Webex , Microsoft Teams, Zoom)453902024-05-0762408
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