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Kaltura - Using Learning Analytics in Kaltura [UW-Madison]

Note: Students are unique individuals and are more complex than their data - be sure to consider them holistically. Please review UW-Madison Learning Analytics Guiding Principles before continuing in this document.

This document describes Kaltura features and provides links to additional resources about learning analytics.

Kaltura Analytics for Individual Media Links

What are individual media links?  

Individual media links go directly to one video or audio file (a media entry) for playback in Kaltura Mediaspace. 

How should I use individual media links? 

Individual media links can be shared in any way, including through email or embedded into websites. In Canvas, use the integrated Embed Kaltura Media icon to embed content.(The Learner Engagement Analytics Dashboard or LEAD will also include Kaltura analytics when media is embedded using this method.)

What learning analytics data can I access for individual media links?  

Kaltura analytics for individual media links includes items such as number of plays, number of unique viewers, total minutes viewed and the average completion rate.  These metrics can be broken down into data for each user.

What are some ways I can use learning analytics data from individual media links?  

Hot Spots

Kaltura analytics for individual media links can show hot spots in video viewership. These show which portions of a video were viewed more than others and the average drop-off rate (when do you lose viewers).  


You can also display viewership over time to see when a video was most often viewed (for example,whether it was reviewed often before an exam).

Where can I get more information about individual media links, or about learning analytics? 

 This Knowledge Center page shows how to view analytics for an individual media link.

Kaltura Analytics for Media Channels

What are media channels?

A channel is a user-curated collection of related media and playlists in Kaltura MediaSpace. They can be configured to be open collaborative collections or private collections restricted to only certain individuals.

How should I use media channels?  

Use a channel to upload, group and share media items in Kaltura Mediaspace. For example, you might have a media channel for each class that you teach, to make it easier to locate and update class lectures. You can then view analytics for the channel as a whole, digging deeper into each video or viewer if desired.

What learning analytics data can I access for media channels? 

Kaltura analytics for channels includes items such as number of plays, number of unique viewers, total minutes viewed and the average completion rate.  These metrics can be broken down into data for each individual video or per user.  You can also see Top Videos based on a combination of usage metrics.

What are some ways I can use learning analytics data from media channels?  

Kaltura analytics for channels can show trends in what videos are viewed more frequently than others, measured by plays, minutes viewed and completion rates.

Where can I get more information about media channels?  

Kaltura Analytics for Kaltura Gallery within Canvas

What is a Kaltura Gallery within Canvas?  

Kaltura Gallery is a shared repository of media for a course in Canvas that is visible to all instructors and students within the course.  Both instructors and students can contribute media to a Kaltura media gallery.

How should I use Kaltura Galleries within Canvas?  

Kaltura Gallery is one option for grouping videos to share with all users of a Canvas course. The Gallery can be moderated so any published videos need to be approved before they are visible to others. Playlists can be used to further organize videos, such as by lectures, assignments, or other content type. 

What learning analytics data can I access for Kaltura Galleries within Canvas?  

Analytics for Kaltura Galleries includes items such as:

  • number of plays
  • number of unique viewers
  • total minutes viewed
  • average completion rate

These metrics can be broken down into data for each individual video or per user.  You can also see Top Videos based on a combination of usage metrics.

Note: The top videos are selected based on a unique algorithm that takes into consideration parameters such as the amount of plays, unique viewers, and average view period and scores them in comparison to other videos in the account. In addition to the categories score, you can also see the number of plays, unique viewers and average view period for each video.

What are some ways I can use learning analytics data from Kaltura Galleries within Canvas?  

Kaltura analytics for channels can show trends in what videos are more successful than others, measured by:

  • plays
  • minutes viewed
  • completion rates

You can view analytics for specific videos or users, and identify trends using variables such as viewing completion rates and course success.

How do I activate Kaltura Galleries in my Canvas course?  

Kaltura - Using "Kaltura Gallery" Course Media Galleries and Analytics in Canvas [UW-Madison] shows how to enable the Kaltura Gallery for a course.

Where can I get more information about Kaltura Galleries within Canvas, or about learning analytics?  

Kaltura - Using "Kaltura Gallery" Course Media Galleries and Analytics in Canvas [UW-Madison] discusses Kaltura Galleries and analytics in Canvas.

Kaltura My Analytics Dashboard

What is My Analytics?

The My Analytics dashboard enables you to discover how viewers engage with the content you own.  Explore engagement in different time periods and filtered on a variety of parameters.

How should I use My Analytics?

You can access My Analytics from the user menu drop down in Mediaspace or the My Analytics button in Kaltura My Media within Canvas.  Both locations show you the same content and options.

What learning analytics data can I access from My Analytics?  

The My Analytics dashboard includes metrics such as number of plays, number of unique viewers, total minutes viewed and the average completion rate.  These metrics can be shown by users or media entries.  You can also see Top Videos based on a combination of usage metrics, impressions to play-through engagement and Top Domains..

What are some ways I can use learning analytics data from media channels?

My Analytics can show trends in what videos are viewed more frequently than others, measured by plays, minutes viewed and completion rates.

Where can I get more information about My Analytics?  

Kaltura Analytics for Video Quizzes

What are video quizzes? 

Kaltura video quizzes can be used as self-checks for students to allow them to pause and answer a question to determine whether they listened and understood what they just watched. 

How should I use video quizzes? 

Kaltura video quizzes are only recommended for ungraded student self-testing and preparation.While Kaltura video quizzes can be used as Canvas assignments we do not currently recommend that due to reliability issues with the Canvas Gradebook integration and Kaltura video quizzes.  

What learning analytics data can I access for video quizzes?  

Video quiz analytics includes the same data as standard videos plus summaries of your quiz questions and student answers.

What are some ways I can use learning analytics data from video quizzes?

Video quiz analytics can be viewed as all questions and responses or by individual student’s  answers. 

You can see patterns of student responses - for example, if many students miss the same question, perhaps the video content is confusing or incomplete, or the question needs to be reworked. Looking at one student’s responses might indicate where they could use additional support.

Where can I get more information about video quizzes, or about learning analytics?  

Keywordsinstructure learn@UW learn uw quiz logs data interactions metrics stats statistics learning analytics   Doc ID115077
OwnerLearn@UW MadisonGroupLearn@UW-Madison
Created2021-12-02 12:12:42Updated2023-12-07 11:18:26
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