Results: 1801-1820 of 2851

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
1801DoIT Shared Tools - GitLab: Request a Needs & Requirements Analysis110279Shared Tools2023-11-082410
1802DoIT Shared Tools - GitLab - How-to Use GitLab and Salesforce112096Shared Tools2023-11-082154
1803ECMS - Use an Office 365 Service Account and a UW Box Project Directory to Share Files with the ECM/Imaging Service68930ECMS2023-11-083633
1804Additional Major/Degree Policy and Process73885CALS Academic Affairs2023-11-0738066
1805Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee Agenda 11-10-23132608The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2023-11-07407
1806Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee Agenda 11-08-23132607The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2023-11-07436
1807Flattening and Printing Documents with Charts and Embedded Graphics72166CAE2023-11-067077
1808SLURM Tutorials and Examples for CPU and GPU Jobs [Campus login required]106415UW Statistics2023-11-0629
1809Ensemble Coordination-Irving Shain Piano and Woodwind Duo Competition Guidelines114899Mead Witter School of Music2023-11-061342
1810Microsoft 365 (Outlook on the web) - Search for messages and people31847Microsoft 3652023-11-02264666
1811Hybrid Meeting Room - Meat Science & Animal Biologistics Discovery 1115127169Cisco Webex2023-11-01753
1812Hybrid Meeting Room - Meat Science & Animal Biologistics Discovery 1111127167Cisco Webex2023-11-01798
1813(WHS Archives) ARCs -- Updates to WHS MARC Catalog Records and EAD Finding Aids [Campus login required]56629UWLSS2023-10-2734
1814InterPro - Professional Development - USI - How to update and apply Continuing Education Units (CEUs)132167Interdisciplinary Professional Programs
College of Engineering
1815Student Center - Checking tuition status and making a payment4125DoIT Help Desk2023-10-2450366
1816Images and Photos114711School of Human Ecology2023-10-241060
1817InterPro - Professional Development - USI - How to update, finalize, and distribute course rosters132169Interdisciplinary Professional Programs
College of Engineering
1818ShopUW+ (Jaggaer) Accessibility and Usability Information109604IT Accessibility and Usability2023-10-2412769
1819Adding a L&S breadth attribute to a course (guidance for department faculty and staff)27031L&S KB2023-10-2345889
1820Tuition and fees for Guest and Senior Guest auditors77804Adult Career and Special Student Services2023-10-238439
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