Results: 1941-1960 of 2851

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
1941Deviations DFD [Campus login required]88335SMPH Research Informatics 2023-07-0620
1942Changing the Name of L&S Academic Programs, Majors, Named Options, Departments, and Centers20052L&S KB2023-07-0611795
1943L&S Academic Program Review - Resources, Guidelines, Templates, and Advice24892L&S KB2023-07-067783
1944Kaltura - Known Issue - Kaltura Capture and macOS Resolution and Quality Issues [UW-Madison]90697Learn@UW-Madison2023-07-067625
1945Microsoft 365 - Request/Manage "Out of Office" or "Vacation" message on behalf of another user71972Microsoft 3652023-07-068064
1946L&S Funding String for S&E and Student Hourly Allocations Effective FY21102802L&S KB2023-07-062725
1947L&S Department and Program Assessment Plans - Archive for 2013 and Prior23837L&S KB2023-07-0513355
1948L&S Statement Regarding Online Lecture Notes Services and Authorized Presence in Classroom41187L&S KB2023-07-058878
1949L&S Policy and Procedures for Grade Appeal22258L&S KB2023-07-0512132
1950Criteria for the L&S Liberal Arts and Science ("LAS") attribute43819L&S KB2023-07-0510563
1951Peer Learning and Credit - L&S Guidelines47580L&S KB2023-07-054297
1952DFD Annotation129500SMPH Research Informatics 2023-07-05234
1953KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Display an Image link69336KB User's Guide2023-07-0528701
1954Microsoft 365 (Outlook for Android) - View multiple calendars at the same time53557Microsoft 3652023-07-0518173
1955Professor Wattiaux's Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Publication List51831Dairy Nutrient2023-07-035700
1956UW-Madison Office 365 and Campus Relay IP Addresses129447Microsoft 3652023-07-031408
1957WiscWeb - Cloning, duplicating, and replacing existing pages119608WiscWeb2023-06-263862
1958Administration-Sample Lessons & Community Music Lessons Youth Protection Policies and Procedures128630Mead Witter School of Music2023-06-21496
1959KB User's Guide - General Info - Highlighting in the Live Sites and in the KB Admin Tools18580KB User's Guide2023-06-1529522
1960KB User's Guide - Settings Tab - SEO Description for the Internal and External Sites36829KB User's Guide2023-06-1326892
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