Results: 281-300 of 857

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
281ASA Document 368. Resolution Regarding the Campus Initiative to Address the LTE Policies345702020-07-132728
282ASA Document 369. Nominating Committee Annual Report 05-06345712020-07-133247
283ASA Document 370. Collective Bargaining: Criteria when considering enabling legislation345722020-07-132847
284ASA Document 371. Academic Staff Professional Development and Recognition Committee (PDRC) Annual Report 2005-2006345732020-07-132314
285ASA Document 372. DRC Annual Report 05-06345742020-07-132776
286ASA Document 373. New Scientist district345762020-07-132656
287ASA Document 374. Resolution on Collective Bargaining Academic Staff Criteria When Considering Enabling Legislation345772020-07-132634
288ASA Document 384. ASPP revisions for Distinguished Prefix345952020-07-133091
289ASA Document 375. Madison Campus Academic Staff Assembly Resolution on the Growth Agenda for the University of Wisconsin System345782020-07-132649
290ASA Document 379. Resolution on Implementation of Board of Regents’ Nondiscrimination Provisions Based on Gender Identity and Gender Expression345792020-07-132956
291ASA Document 380. University Club 100th Anniversary345802020-07-132420
292ASA Document 389. Restoration of Unused Accumulated Sick Leave Credits after a Break in Employement with UW System346002020-07-133096
293ASA Document 395. DRC Annual Report 06-07346062020-07-132749
294ASA Document 394. CEBC Annual Report 06-07346052020-07-132573
295ASA Document 393. CEBC slate for 07-08346042020-07-132379
296ASA Document 392. DoIT CASI Annual Report 06-07346032020-07-132605
297ASA Document 391. Grad School CASI Annual Report 06-07346022020-07-132601
298ASA Document 390. Memorial Resolution for Sharon Pero346012020-07-132484
299ASA Document 383. Proposed language for ASPP revision for new standing committee of the Assembly - Communications Comm.345942020-07-133147
300ASA Document 385. Resolution on the Restoration of Unused Accumulated Sick Leave Credits after a Break in Employment with UW System345962020-07-132855
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