Application Plan
An Application Plan defines index keys of a document. It is created in the Perceptive Content Management Console and set in a Capture Profile.
Documents are scanned in batches which are placed into the batches view of Perceptive Content. Once in the batches view, the batches undergo processing which includes separation into individual documents and quality assurance.
Capture Profile
A reusable collection of settings that simplifies entering documents into Perceptive Content imaging software. Captures profiles can set entities such as document keys, device choice, workflow queues, etc.
Capture Token
A licensing mechanism. Every scanner used with ImageNow uses a token; if all tokens are in use, another scanner cannot be configured until one is released.
Custom Properties
Additional fields that can be used to describe a document. Custom properties are associated with Doctypes. The number of custom properties is not limited.
Device Profile
A profile that links the scanner device to Perceptive Content. Device profiles are set in scanner profiles.
A special index key that is associated with custom properties.
Document Keys
Values set that define and describe a document. There are seven for campus’ implementation of ImageNow: Drawer, Doctype, and five optionable/customizable keys. Discrete documents cannot have the same value for all of the key(s) otherwise they will be considered the same document and effectively merged.
Enterprise Content Management Service. Another name for the DoIT service which makes Perceptive Content available to the UW-Madison campus. Former product name was ImageNow, or "Imaging".
A derivative of Visual Basic and Java; proprietary scripting language of Perceptive Software that automates business logic. Used in workflow queues.
Management Console
A major component of Perceptive Content that allows users with appropriate permissions to manage many aspects of Perceptive Content including drawers, doctypes, application plans, etc.
Perceptive Content
Perceptive Content, formerly ImageNow, is a Hyland system provided to campus that allows users to enter and store documents. Documents are commonly entered via scanner, but can be “printed” into the system or bulk-imported as well.
Perceptive Content
The desktop application used to access the Imaging Service at UW-Madison .
Perceptive Experience
Perceptive Experience is an HTML5 web client that can access and view documents in the Imaging System on all operating systems. Unlike WebNow Perceptive Experience does not "look" like the Perceptive Content desktop client. Thus there is "get acquainted" period in learning its use. We have several KnowledgeBase documents about Perceptive Experience:
- Perceptive Experience - Overview and Getting Started
- Perceptive Experience - Searching for and viewing documents
- Perceptive Experience - Processing documents in workflow
RDS - Remote Desktop Service
- Remote Desktop Service Connection Instructions:
- ECMS - Using RDS for Perceptive Content:
- ECMS - RDS-DEV - Accessing for ImageNow Users for Imaging Patch Testing:
- RDS Login:
Scanner Profile
A reuseable collection of settings that defines scanner parameters. A scanner profile sets things like DPI (dots per inch) and Simplex (single-side) /Duplex (double-sided) on scans. Scanner profiles are located and set in capture profiles.