Device Profile

A profile that links the scanner device to Perceptive Content. Device profiles are set in scanner profiles.

Perceptive Content

Perceptive Content, formerly ImageNow, is a Hyland system provided to campus that allows users to enter and store documents. Documents are commonly entered via scanner, but can be “printed” into the system or bulk-imported as well.

Perceptive Content

The desktop application used to access the Imaging Service at UW-Madison .

Perceptive Experience

Perceptive Experience is an HTML5 web client that can access and view documents in the Imaging System on all operating systems. Unlike WebNow Perceptive Experience does not "look" like the Perceptive Content desktop client. Thus there is "get acquainted" period in learning its use. We have several KnowledgeBase documents about Perceptive Experience:

RDS - Remote Desktop Service

The Remote Desktop Service (RDS) is a Windows Terminal Server that provides supplemental and/or remote access to applications that are only available on campus, typically on a Windows platform.
Note: This service replaces The Windows Access Facility (WAF) which retired July, 2020.


Views allow users to search for documents using one or more constraint. Limited to 500 results or less.