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Guide: Content Requirements by Tab

This document provides guidelines for formatting the type of content found on each tab or section for graduate program pages in Guide.

Graduate programs must follow these guidelines when developing and editing their Guide pages. Specific sections (called "tabs") on each page vary by program type and are pre-selected for your program type by the Registrar's Office. If you do not see an expected tab, contact

The Lumen and Guide KnowledgeBase has several documents that cover various topics related to Guide and Lumen.

General Guidance

  • Each tab must have some kind of content added to it in order for it to show up in the navigational bar on a Guide page.
  • Do not put governed content in non-governed tabs.
    • For example, do not put content on the Overview tab that is specific about curricular requirements (especially amounts of credit), the learning outcomes, or other policies which are included on the "governed content" tabs in Guide (Requirements, Policies, Admissions, Learning Outcomes).
  • The Guide should only have relatively static information in it.
    • Do not include content in excess of these guidelines that could be changed by parties external to your department or that changes yearly.
    • Avoid listing specific names or contacts that may change (e.g., name of graduate coordinator) rather put a general department or program email.
  • Do not duplicate or repeat information already listed in the admissions or curricular requirements table.
  • Utilize cascading headers to provide an outline of information.


Refer to Lumen: Deadlines to review dates and deadlines associated with Guide publish and midcycle updates.

Tab Specific Guidance

  1. Video Tutorials
    1. Getting Started
    2. Editing Admissions
    3. Editing Requirements
    4. Editing Policies
    5. Copying and Pasting Integration Points
  2. Content Guidance
    1. Photos
    2. Overview
    3. Admissions
    4. Funding
    5. Requirements
    6. Policies
    7. Professional Development
    8. Learning Outcomes
    9. People
    10. Accreditation/Certification/Licensure
    11. Contact Information

Video Tutorials

These video tutorials show the technical aspects of developing and editing a Guide page using Lumen Program Proposals. 

Getting Started

Getting Started - An introduction to editing governed content using Lumen Programs

Editing Admissions

Editing Admissions - How to edit the Guide Admissions integration point for graduate programs

Editing Requirements

Editing Requirements - How to edit the Guide Requirements integration point for graduate programs

Editing Policies

Editing Policies - How to edit the Guide Policies integration point for graduate programs

Copying and Pasting Integration Points

Copying and Pasting Integration Points - How to start proposing a brand new program in Lumen Programs

Tab Specific Guidance


Guide pages may have a photo that appears on the top of each tab as well as in the thumbnail tile on the Degrees/Majors index page (note: Named Option pages do not have photos).

New photos are submitted to The photo should meet the following requirements:

  • landscape orientation
  • high resolution (i.e., is not pixelated at 100% view)
  • possible to crop to 960 pixels wide x 420 pixels tall without losing significant content (but do not crop the photo yourself)
  • colorful and interesting to view
  • alternative text

Accessible Images and Visualizations

Alternative text, or alt text, is a concise text substitute for non-text content like images and icons. Screen readers announce alt text in place of the images. It should be short, about a sentence, and descriptive of the image and how it relates to the content. Refer to the accessible images and visualizations for more information.



At minimum, there must be some kind of content on this page. Content is at the discretion of the program. Information commonly included on this tab include:

  • General summary of the field
  • Areas of research faculty focus in
  • Named options available and link to Guide pages (if applicable)

Named Options

To ensure that students understand the name of the major that the named option is housed within, the first sentence must say: "This is a named option in the [Major Name with link to that Guide page]."

Content after that sentence is at the discretion of the program.


The Graduate School "shared content" appears at the top of each admissions page. Below the shared content is the admissions table. Every master's and doctoral page must have the table pictured below. Programs in the Wisconsin School of Business may or may not follow the guidelines for the table as they administer their own applications.

Non-Applicable Pages

  • "Parent plan" pages with named options (Admissions tab directs students to select appropriate named option)
  • Degrees with suspended admissions

Applicable Pages

  • All admitting master's and doctoral degrees, including named options

Admissions table

Programs are not allowed to add or remove rows from this table. The use of footnotes or narrative text under the table is allowable, but advised to be kept to a minimum. The following toggles provide requirements for each row.

Display Deadlines

Provide your program's applicable deadline. Programs may format this information in the following ways:

  • Month and day (e.g., June 1)
  • (Insert month and day) for international students; (insert month and day) for domestic students
  • This program does not admit in the (insert applicable term)

International Applicants

Applicants need to be recommended for admission at least 3 weeks prior to the International Student Services deadline to ensure applicants have enough time to submit official documents and accommodate admissions processing. Programs should set deadlines for international applicants no later than the following dates:

  • Fall: May 24 to 31
  • Spring: October 11 to 18
  • Summer: May 7 to 14

GRE (Graduate Record Examination)

Provide your program's requirement for the GRE. Programs may select one of the following:

  • Required.
  • Not required.
  • Not required but may be considered if available.
  • May be required in certain cases, consult program.

English Proficiency Test

Provide your program's admission requirement for English language proficiency. If the program follows the Graduate School's policy, insert the following language:

Every applicant whose native language is not English, or whose undergraduate instruction was not exclusively in English, must provide an English proficiency test score earned within two years of the anticipated term of enrollment. Refer to the Graduate School: Minimum Requirements for Admission policy:

Note that the policy link provides the Graduate School's minimum test scores needed for admission. Do not repeat these scores unless the program is more stringent.

Other Test(s) (e.g., GMAT, MCAT)

Provide information if your program requires other tests. Programs should select one of the following methods to format information:

  • n/a
  • None.
  • Not applicable.
  • The MCAT may be accepted as an alternate to the GRE.
  • Information about the GRE Subject Test specific to program.

Letters of Recommendation Required

Provide the number (if any) of letters of recommendation required. Options include:

  • 3
  • 2
  • 1
  • 0

Information Below Table

Your program may include the following sections:

Application Checklist

A complete application includes the following items:

  1. Statement of Purpose: Include a few sentences about what the program looks for in a statement of purpose. Link to your program website if you have expectations listed there. Specifically, state the minimum (or maximum) length of statement. You may link directly to the Graduate School's Preparing for Graduate Study for guidance.
    1. Example: "Your essay should be a concise description of your reasons for choosing to study this field at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (not to exceed two pages). Please include your research interests and career goals as well as a description of your preparation for graduate study including relevant coursework, related employment, research experience, publications, presentations, awards, and honors."
  2. Supplementary Application: Discuss any supplemental application materials required. If applicable, detail expectations or skills the program is looking for in these materials.
  3. Unofficial Transcripts: Programs should clearly state unofficial transcripts are required for the application.
    1. Example: "Unofficial transcripts from all previous postsecondary studies are required. International academic records must be submitted in the original language and accompanied by an English translation. If an applicant is recommended for admission, the Graduate School will ask applicants to request official transcripts sent to the Graduate School from the undergraduate institution."
  4. Letters of Recommendation: Describe who letters of recommendation should come from and what skills or qualities the program is looking for in these letters.
    1. Example: "Letters should be from faculty who are familiar with your academic abilities and goals. Letters from supervisors that provide a character reference are also acceptable. The letters of recommendation should be submitted with the online application."

Background Education

Include this section if the program has recommended or required previous education paths.

  1. Example: "Successful applicants have a bachelor’s degree in engineering (biomedical, chemical, electrical, industrial, mechanical, etc.) or science (biology, biochemistry, chemistry, genetics, immunology, physics, etc.)."
  2. Example: "A background in education coursework is a prerequisite for the PhD program in Curriculum and Instruction. Applicants are required to have taken at least 12 credits in education courses that are equivalent to courses taught within a school of education, as judged by the Graduate Education Advisory Committee. Applicants lacking this background will be required to take a specified number of credits of education coursework in addition to the coursework ordinarily required in the graduate program. The courses taken should be chosen in consultation with the graduate advisor, and each of these courses must be taken for a letter grade (not pass/fail). These courses may be carried concurrently with regular graduate courses; but, being additional requirements, they do not satisfy the requirements of the graduate program."

Preparatory Coursework

Include this section if the program recommends or expects applicants to have experience with specific courses or subject areas.

  1. Example: "Students are expected to enter the program having taken the following coursework. Deficient courses may be taken while in the program in consultation with the student's graduate committee."
    1. Physical Sciences - one course in each of the following:
      1. Physics, including electricity, heat and light
      2. Calculus
      3. Organic Chemistry lecture
      4. Organic Chemistry lab or Biochemistry lab
    2. Biological Sciences - one course in each of the following:
      1. Crop Production
      2. Plant Breeding or Genetics
      3. Plant Structure, Plant Taxonomy or Plant Physiology
      4. Plant Pathology or Entomology
    3. One Statistics course
    4. One Soil Science course

Faculty Advisors

Include this section to explain how applicants and faculty advisors are matched.

  1. Example: "It is recommended that applicants contact departmental faculty directly to determine openings in the lab and an interest in their area of research. Students are admitted to the program if a faculty member agrees to accept the candidate into their research group and to provide laboratory/desk space and research support, and upon the approval of the Graduate School. The faculty member also decides whether to offer an assistantship to the candidate. If a faculty member is interested in a completed application, the applicant will be contacted by them personally. If a faculty member is interested in accepting an applicant, a recommendation for admission will be sent to the Graduate School. The Graduate School will make the final determination for admission."
  2. Example: "Admissions decisions are made by a committee of faculty with research expertise spanning the four research areas of the department. Individual faculty do not recommend admissions decisions and advisors are not determined at the time of application. Instead, students will match with advisors after meeting with all faculty during the fall semester. Additional information about the application process, detailed information on required application materials, advice for preparing a competitive application, information on application fee waivers, and frequently asked questions are available here."

Rolling Deadline(s)

Include this section if the program continues to accept and review applications on a rolling basis. Explain if any additional considerations are given at any point in the year.

  1. Example: "Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Applications submitted by the deadlines listed above will be considered for limited Department funding."


All graduate degree major/option pages' Funding tabs in Guide begin with the Graduate School's shared content:

Graduate School funding shared content

Service-based pricing programs are required to include a piece of shared content owned by the Provost's Office which explicitly states their funding policy (e.g., for tuition-remitting assistantships).

Content after this is at the discretion of the program. Content recommendations and formatting include:

  • Begin with the Level 3 header of "Program Resources" or "Program Information."
    • Level 3 headers look the same as the "Graduate School Resources" header of the shared content shown in the image above.
  • Utilize cascading headers to provide an outline of information. For example, utilize header 1, then header 2, then header 3, etc.

The Graduate School shared content on funding (above) appears for all programs, including service-based pricing programs, as students may benefit from learning about sources of funding beyond assistantships.


A small sub-menu appears at the top of every Requirements page that points to all Header 2's on the page.

Below the sub-menu is the Graduate School shared content:

updated Graduate School requirements

Next is a series of tables, toggles, and descriptive content under a Header 2 called "Major Requirements" or, if the page is for a named option, "Named Option Requirements." The following are examples of what these elements might look like. Special guidance for each element is noted beneath, if applicable.

Mode of Instruction

This table appears for major pages but not for the parent pages of named options. It appears on all named option pages.

updated mode of instruction

The Mode of Instruction table must be accurately completed by the program. Content under the expanded toggle of "Mode of Instruction Definitions" is Graduate School shared content, and not editable by the program.

Curricular Requirements

If the program is doctoral, the Curricular Requirements table will also have a line for "Graduate School Breadth Requirement." All rows must be filled in with an actual policy or credit amount. Do not write "Contact the program for information about this policy," as Guide should serve as the official source for program policy and requirements.

The table should be titled, "Curricular Requirements", and formatted as a header 3.

curricular requirements table

Required Courses

The required courses section should list all of the remaining course requirements. Typically, this is a list of courses in the course list format (refer to table help KB). The course list should include every course needed for completion of the major. The amount of credits in this list will add up to the minimum credit requirement.

updated required courses table

Additional considerations when building a course list includes:

  • If instructing students to select a course/number of credits or a range of courses/number of credits from a list below, best practice is to include the total credit amount in the header of that section and indent all the courses below the header.
  • Table should be titled, "Required Courses", and formatted as a header 3.
  • If information is included under the course list, utilize cascading headers to provide an outline of information.

Named Options

If the degree/major has named options, underneath the Required Courses table will be a Named Options (Sub-Majors) Header 2 with the following language (substituting your degree credential type and name):

updated named options

This is followed by links to the Named Options pages.

Shared Content

Service-based pricing programs are required to include shared content at the bottom of their Requirements tab that informs students they may not take courses outside the prescribed curriculum or enroll in double degrees.

shared content policy for non-pooled programs


Graduate School shared content will begin the page:

updated policies shared content

This is followed by a Header 2, "Major-Specific Policies" or, if this is a named option page, "Named Option-Specific Policies." Within this section is a toggle-list of the following headers, with Prior Coursework containing subheaders. The headers and subheaders should remain as-is (i.e., do not delete any of headers or subheaders, or add new headers or subheaders):

updated policies headers

Each of these header sub-sections should contain the specific, relevant policy for your program. In the case of parent pages of named options, there will only be links to the named options' pages. Do not write "Contact the program for information about this policy," as Guide should serve as the official source for program policy and requirements.

Prior Coursework

Programs should describe how they handle prior coursework from the following three categories (included as subheaders). 

  • Graduate credits earned at other institutions
  • Undergraduate credits earned at other institutions or UW-Madison
  • Credits earned as a Professional student at UW-Madison (Law, Medicine, Pharmacy, and Veterinary careers)
  • Credits earned as a University Special student at UW-Madison

If a program follows the Graduate School: Transfer Credits for Prior Coursework, linking to the policy rather than restating it mitigates missing future policy updates.

Example: "Refer to the Graduate School: Transfer Credits for Prior Coursework policy."


Program-specific policy on probation may be included here.

If none exists, provide reference to the Graduate School: Probation policy.

Example: "Refer to the Graduate School: Probation policy."


Include program-specific policy, procedures, and/or guidance about the advisor and/or committee structure and roles. The Graduate School policy on advisor and committees may be used if no program specific policy exists. 

Example: "Refer to the Graduate School: Advisor and Graduate School: Committees (Doctoral/Master's/MFA) policies."

Credits Per Term Allowed

Provide the number of credits your program allows per term.

Example: "15 credit maximum. Refer to the Graduate School: Maximum Credit Loads and Overload Requests."

Time Limits

At minimum, the Graduate School: Time Limits policy should be referenced. Program-specific policy may also be integrated into this section, when applicable.

Example: "Refer to the Graduate School: Time Limits policy."

Grievances and Appeals

This section begins with shared content from the Graduate School:

updated grievances and appeals section

Program or school/college-specific policy is required after the shared content.


Policy in this section is optional. Do not delete this toggle if there is no program-specific information.

Examples: n/a, none, information about funding, etc.


Professional Development

Every page will begin with shared content from the Graduate School:

updated professional development

Additional content below the shared content is at the discretion of the program. The section should start with a Header 2 called "Program Resources" for consistency with other degree pages.

Utilize cascading headers to provide an outline of information.

Learning Outcomes

This is a list of approved learning outcomes for the degree/major. Named Option pages do not have separate learning outcomes from the degree/major.

Learning Outcomes and the process to update them are owned by the Provost's Office. Questions about the format and updating of this content can be directed to the Student Learning Assessment Office (


This is a list of faculty and others who work in the department. The format of this page is at the discretion of the program. We recommend you link to an index page of faculty profiles on your own program's website.


In addition to university accreditation, some programs may have their own accreditation, certifications, and licensures detailed in this section.

This section is owned by the Provost's Office. Questions about the format and updating of this content can be directed to Data, Academic Planning, and Institutional Research.

Contact Information

Programs should follow this guide for the content and format of this side box:

Guidelines for each entry in the contact information box

It is okay to have more than these 4-5 entries in this box (at the discretion of each program), but the first entry always needs to be the Department and College with URL, and the last entry always needs to be the Graduate School website.

Simple URLs (e.g., without "http://") and/or hyperlinked text should be displayed whenever possible.

Service-based pricing programs may also utilize a marketing link prepared by DCS which sends interested applicants to the Salesforce portal:

131 marketing link to sign up to receive more info

Programs in the School of Medicine and Public Health will also include their Grievance Advisor, which appears just before the link to the Graduate School (second from the bottom, in other words).

Questions about this guidance may be directed to the Guide/Lumen contact for the Graduate School

KeywordsGuide, content, editing, lumen, governance   Doc ID107065
OwnerLorena K.GroupGraduate School
Created2020-11-09 17:08:25Updated2024-07-24 08:01:01
SitesGraduate School
Feedback  0   0