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Guide: Overview - Undergraduate

This document provides a general overview of the features within the Guide.

Guide Overview

Accessing the Guide/Lumen App:

  1. Go to My UW.

    1. Recommended browsers for editing are Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.  You can use Internet Explorer or Safari but they MUST be the most up-to-date versions or the site will not work properly.

  2. Add Lumen to your MyUW dashboard.

Description of the Lumen tile in the MyUW dashboard

Lumen tile

3. Enter Lumen Guide through the Academic Catalog / Guide.

Image of Guide navigation bar with the "edit" page button visible

Navigating the Guide/Finding your page:

  1. Navigate through the Guide through various options:

    1. Clicking on undergraduate/graduate.

  1. Typing in search options in the bar.

Image of Guide navigation bar with the search bar highlighted

  1. Browsing the Undergraduate Catalog

Screenshot of the Majors and Certificates tab in the undergraduate Guide

  1. The site is meant to be mobile and tablet friendly, so it will modify the screen content based on the device used.

  2. You can View as list if you prefer a list style, or you can scroll through the degrees and certificates (default).

  1. You can navigate through a specific school or college by using the right side tabs.

Image of tabs on right side of screen

  1. Departments or Department-like entities are not a landing page because of the unique academic structure at UW-Madison.  You can find the home department for any degree/major/cert by looking through the bread-crumbs of a major/certificate page owned by the department.

  2. If you are curious who is in the workflow, and where the page might be at in the workflow, click on the blue workflow text at the bottom of the page.Image of Guide breadcrumb structure

Image of page owner and workflow information found at the bottom of a Guide page in editing status

  1. Editing in the Guide

The Guide serves as a contract between the student and the University, an important purpose of the Guide is to have a single source of truth, with a focus on accurate and current degree/major/certificate requirements.  The archive within the Guide holds historical degree/major/certificate requirements, so the current edition does NOT need to have everything that ever counted towards the requirements, just the current requirements. See Procedures: Guide Updating Principles by Tab Procedures for which pages can be edited in Guide and which pages require a Lumen Program proposal.

  1. Once on a page that you are wanting to edit, click on the Edit Page. You will need to do this for each page you edit.

Do NOT click the Start Workflow button at the bottom of the page until you are ready to advance your pages to the next person within your workflow.  This includes all the various tabs on the right hand side navigation. If you press the Start Workflow button and you are not finished with all of your content, you will need to email the next person in the workflow and ask them to send it back.Image of "start workflow" button

  1. There are various tabs in the edit bar for populating content in the Guide.  If there is no content in tab, the tab will not display on the side navigation in the Guide.  The blue arrows at the far right of the edit bar will scroll through the options.  

The following tabs are for the degree/major/certificate pages:

Image of tabs available for the degree/major/certificate pages

Image of tabs available for the degree/major/certificate pages

Image of tabs available for the degree/major/certificate pages

Image of tabs available for the degree/major/certificate pages

  1. Contact List:

Edits the right hand boxes with preferred contact information.  These can include whomever you want students to contact.

Image of contact box editing interfaceImage of contact box rendered from information in the preview image

  1. Page Body:

This is the the Overview tab.  Edit this in two ways, by clicking the pencil icon and Page Body in the top navigation bar OR by clicking the Edit Page Body pencil.

Image of where to find the overview content - in the "Page Body" editing interface

Image of where to click to open the editing interface for the overview content

  1. Accuracy Report:

Shows where errors exist on pages (i.e. courses that do not exist).  

Note: If you are borrowing or sharing content on a page, it will NOT display the errors.  Run the Accuracy Report from the main page where the content resides.

  1. Show Differences:

Shows changes on a page.  Green displays items added.  Red displays items deleted.

Image of red/green markup on an edited page

Image of red/green markup on an edited page

  1. View as PDF:

Populates a condensed version of the degree/major/certificate page for printing purposes.

  1. HelpOffers vendor provided help content.  Depending on where in the Guide you need help, the vendor provides a generic PDF help guide OR specific walkthrough instructions and videos.  If the vendor help doesnt answer the question, email the Lumen Trainer & Administrator for specific instructions on how to make edits.

  1. How to Get in:

Specifies to students how they declare or apply for a degree/major/certificate. This is updated via Lumen Programs.

  1. Requirements:

*All requirements pages must be structured in a similar way for consistency.* Requirements are updated via Lumen Programs: Lumen Programs Form: Curriculum and Requirements

  1. General Education Requirements:

Gen Ed requirements apply to all undergraduate students and are listed first in the requirements tab.  These cannot be edited unless they change campus-wide.

    1. Courses that fill the five requirements above (Com A, Com B, QR-A, QR-B, and Ethnic Studies) have the mortar board cap

  1. Page navigation:

If a page seems too long and you want students to easily find what they are looking for, you can anchor specific headers on the page: Lumen/Guide: How to add an anchor in Guide/Lumen Proposals Guide Content .

Image of the "on this page navigation" available to editors who want to add anchor links to headers

  1. School/College Requirements:

These are in the Other Content and cannot be changed at the editor level.  

Sample school/college requirements

  1. Select one of the following options:

This should be used if a student can take more than two (2) courses to fulfill a requirement.

Image showing a "select from" list

  1. Concurrent options:

These should be used if a student is required to take two courses to fill a requirement.

Image showing what it looks like to list more than one course to fill a single requirement

  1. Cross-listed courses:

All cross-listed courses will automatically list each subject short descriptions before the course number.  Image showing what cross-listed courses look like in Guide

  1. Footnotes:

Footnotes can be as robust as needed to let students know all the restrictions/options available for filling a requirement.

Image showing properly rendered footnotes

  1. Options:

Options can be used if there are multiple ways to fulfill a requirement.

Image showing multiple options to fill requirements

  1. Toggle Headers:
    Toggling can be used to hide long lists of courses that students could take to complete a requirement.  This cannot be done in a course list. Guide: Toggle Headers

Image showing where to find toggle headers in the editing interface

Image showing what a list of properly nested toggle headers look like

  1. Links:

Links can be used to link to content inside or outside the Guide, including email addresses.

Image showing that hyperlink text will render as a blue

  1. Anchors:

Anchors allow on-the-page navigation if the content is lengthy: Lumen/Guide: How to add an anchor in Guide/Lumen Proposals Guide Content .

Image of anchor links

  1. In-line courses:

Courses can be listed within text outside of the database field bubbles.

Image showing what a course looks like when listed in text

  1. Learning Outcomes:

These are set by the Provosts Office.  Do not change these. Lumen Programs Form: Program Learning Outcomes and Assessment Section

Image of sample learning outcomes

  1. Four-Year Plan:

A tab that allows you to tell the student how they can graduate in four years with a specific degree/major.  It can be as detailed as you would like it to be. This tab can only be updated via a Lumen Programs proposal. Lumen/Guide: How to Add/Edit Four-Year Plans (Table Help)

  1. Advising and Careers:

A tab that students can go to find advising, information on careers, or internships specific to their degree/major/certificate.

  1. Wisconsin Experience:

This tab can include information such as Study Abroad, Research Opportunities, Service Learning, Student Organizations, or other similar experiences that make attending the University of Wisconsin - Madison unique.

  1. Certification and Licensure:

This tab is for specific instructions on any required certification or licensure.

  1. Resources and Scholarship:

This tab allows departments or degree/major/certificates to present specific information regarding any scholarships, other financial assistance, or other resources available to students pursuing those degrees/majors/certificates.


Lumen, Guide, Courseleaf, CAT, Catalog, content, training, workflow, edit, tabs, "contact information", "page body", overview, "accuracy report", "show differences", "view as PDF", Help, "how to get in", requirements, "general education requirements", mortarboard, "graduation cap", "page navigation", "school requirements", "college requirements", "footnotes", "toggle header", "links", "anchors", "in-line linking", "people", "borrowed content", "wisconsin experience", "certification and licensure", "resources and scholarships" 
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Jen B. in Lumen and Guide
Lumen and Guide