Topics Map > Lumen Structures
Topics Map > Guide
Topics Map > Lumen Courses
Topics Map > Lumen Programs

Lumen/Guide: Deadlines (2024-2025 academic year)

Dates and deadlines associated with the June 1 Guide publish and midcycle updates.

2024-25 academic year dates and deadlines for the June publication of Guide

2024-25 academic year dates and deadlines for the June publication of Guide.

2024-2025 dates


Responsible Party

Where to edit content


Lumen Programs/Courses/Structures available for editing.

  • Departmental Editors
  • S/C governance
  • Lumen Programs
  • Lumen Courses
  • Lumen Structures

21-31 October, 2024

Vendor prepares 2025-2026 site.



1 November, 2024

2024-2025 Guide non-governed editing window opens.

  • Guide Coordinators
  • Departmental Editors

Non-governed Guide content

November 1-onward

Training for Guide editing.



tbd Guide coords decide

Non-governed content due by departments in schools/colleges with distributed editors.

Departmental Editors

Non-governed Guide content

28 February, 2025

  • Last UCC for course changes effective fall 2025
  • Obsolete waiver requests considered. Obsolete courses not completed by departments are automatically processed (discontinued if not scheduled for summer or fall).
  • Deadline for school/colleges to advance proposals for this agenda is February 14, 2025.
  • Schools/Colleges
  • University Curriculum Committee (UCC)

Lumen Courses

2 March, 2025

  • Deadline for DAPIR to submit Lumen Program changes effective fall to the RO for guaranteed DARS encoding (RO encoding only) to coincide with the release of the Schedule of Classes.
  • Deadline for revisions to front-matter content to Guide Admin by EOD.
  • All Program/Structures proposals effective fall to be published in the June 1 Guide (except March/April UAPC agenda items) due by EOD to APIR Admin by school/colleges; includes Guide "shared content" proposals. New programs may continue through governance and will publish in Guide based on the guidelines.
  • Departmental Editors
  • S/C governance
  • Guide Coordinators
  • Lumen Programs
  • Lumen Structures
  • DARS
  • Non-governed Guide Content

3-31 March, 2025

DAPIR/UAPC review of Lumen Programs and Lumen Structures proposals


  • Lumen Programs
  • Lumen Structures

21 March, 2025

  • All proposals requiring GFEC/Grad School review must be to UAPC Approver step of workflow by EOD.
  • Materials deadline for April GFEC.

Grad School

  • Lumen Programs
  • Lumen Structures

31 March, 2025

All new Lumen Programs/Structures effective fall 2025 must be advanced by DAPIR to the RO step in workflow by EOD (except for items on the April UAPC agenda).


  • Lumen Programs
  • Lumen Structures

31 March-April 16, 2025

  • Registrar/DARS updates.
  • Change course draw into Lumen Programs to use only active fall 2025 courses (Catalog courses) after all course changes effective fall are processed. Program proposals utilizing not-yet-approved courses will show those as red-boxes.
  • Run the “red-box” report; allow for opportunity to fix red-boxes before proposals are completed.
  • Registrar
  • Lumen Admin

11 April, 2025

Last UCC for new courses effective fall 2025 guaranteed to be included in June Guide (deadline for schools/colleges to advance proposals to UCC Approver is March 28)

School/College Governance

Lumen Courses

16 April, 2025

Put all the "books back on the shelf," with exception to ones with red-boxes (unless the courses are on the next UCC agenda and they are new and effective fall 2025).

Lumen Admin

  • Lumen Programs
  • Lumen Structures

17 April, 2025

Final UAPC ahead of June 1 Guide publication. Fall 2025 effective-dated changes and/or new programs that don't require Board of Regent approval (e.g., certificates and named options) approved at the May and June UAPC meetings can be effective-dated and launched for fall 2025 and will be part of the October mid-cycle update in Guide (i.e., not June).

  • UAPC
  • School/College governance
  • Lumen Programs
  • Lumen Structures

21 April-2 May, 2025

Preview Days!


30 April, 2025

Preview Days: All Program/Structures proposals must be advanced by schools/colleges to APIR Admin step of workflow by EOD.

School/College Governance

  • Lumen Programs
  • Lumen Structures

4 May, 2025 (Friday May 2)

Preview Days: All Program/Structures proposals requiring GFEC review must be to UAPC step of workflow by EOD.

Graduate School

  • Lumen Programs
  • Lumen Structures

6 May, 2024

Preview Days: All Program/Structures proposals submitted by DAPIR to Registrar by EOD.


  • Lumen Programs
  • Lumen Structures

7 May, 2025

Preview Days: All non-governed preview days edits due to Guide Editor email.



7-14 May, 2025

Preview Days: Registrar/DARS updates.


14-29 May, 2025

  • Vendor Prep for June 1 publish - UW Madison unable to make changes in Guide.
  • Hands off.
  • Leepfrog
  • Campus

Thursday 29 May, 2025

2024-2025 Guide Publish

  • Registrar
  • Leepfrog

2024-25 academic year dates and deadlines for the mid-cycle updates.

2024-2025 dates


Responsible Party

Where to edit content

20 June, 2024

Last day for anything to be effective fall 2024 (courses or programs).

  • UCC
  • UAPC
  • School/College Governance
  • Lumen Courses
  • Lumen Programs

19 September, 2024

Last UAPC for Program changes effective for Spring 2025.

  • UAPC
  • School/College Governance

Lumen Programs

Friday, September 27, 2024

Last UCC for Lumen Courses changes for the Spring 2025 term. Schools/colleges must advance proposals for this agenda by September 13, 2024.

School/College Governance

Lumen Courses

Wednesday 25, September 2024

Deadline for schools/colleges to advance program proposals to APIR Admin.

School/College Governance

Lumen Programs

Sunday 29 September, 2024

Deadline for GFEC to advance Program proposals to UAPC by EOD for mid-cycle update consideration.

Graduate School

Lumen Programs

30 September - 4 October, 2024

DAPIR Program mid-cycle proposal review.


7-11 October, 2024

Registrar/DARS updates (mid-cycle).


  • Lumen Programs
  • DARS

18 October, 2024

  • Publish to Preview
  • Finalize Guide (check broken links; complete proposals)


18 October, 2024

  • Spring 2025 Guide mid-cycle publish
  • Schedule of Classes.


  • Guide
  • Lumen Courses
  • Lumen Programs

8 November, 2024

Last UCC for new courses effective spring 2025. Deadline for school/colleges to advance proposals for this agenda is October 25, 2024.

School/College Governance

Lumen Courses

13 December, 2024

  • Last UCC for course changes effective summer 2025. Deadline for school/colleges to advance proposals for this agenda is November 29, 2024.
  • Deadline for schools/colleges to advance all Lumen Programs to the "APIR Admin" workflow step for consideration of the January mid-cycle update (summer effective term).

School/College Governance

  • Lumen Courses
  • Lumen Programs

18 December, 2024

Deadline for all Lumen Programs proposals requiring GFEC review be to the "UAPC Approver" workflow step for January mid-cycle consideration.

Graduate School

Lumen Programs

20 December, 2024

Deadline for DAPIR to advance all Lumen Programs workflow to the "Registrar" workflow step to be included in the January mid-cycle update.


8 January, 2025

  • Summer 2025 Guide mid-cycle publish
  • Schedule of Classes released.


  • Guide
  • Lumen Programs
  • Lumen Courses

24 January, 2025

Last UCC for new courses effective summer 2025. Deadline for school/colleges to advance proposals for this agenda is January 10, 2025.

  • UCC
  • School/College governance

Lumen Courses

KeywordsTimeline, Deadline, Lumen, Guide, Midcycle, Courses, Programs, Calendar, Deadlines, dates   Doc ID94417
OwnerMelissa S.GroupLumen and Guide
Created2019-09-11 09:21:19Updated2024-07-02 15:49:07
SitesLumen and Guide
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