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Lumen Program Form: Administrative Use Section
- Admin notes
- Guide URL
- Effective date
- Effective Guide edition
- Guide publish date/type
- Tuition start term
- CDR Major code
- Career
- SIS program code
- SIS program code (BS)
- SIS short description
- Additional major
- Intended major
- Honors in the major
- Honors in the major (BS)
- Honors in the major (BMAJ)
- Special student certificate
- Other plan codes associated with this program
- Diploma text & diploma text 2
- Degree
- Degree (BS)
- Field of study
- Program length
- National Student Clearing House classification
- Plan group
- Educational level
- Award category
- Enrollment category
- CIP code
- SOC code
- Health
- Educational innovation program
- Distance education program
- Non-Traditional program
- Special plan type
- CDR certificate category
- Consortial or collaborative program
- Parent-Child enrollment
- Scan this proposal
- Upload documents that should be scanned
Notes about the admin section
For definitions see the Data Glossary.
SIS codes that do not have their own record in Lumen Programs
There are several sub/plan types that are nested under another Lumen Programs record. These include:
- Additional majors (plan code starts with MAJ, MMAJ, DMAJ)
- Intended majors (plan descr starts with Intended)
- L&S BS plans associated with a BA (BABS)
- Special certificates, recorded on the UCrt Lumen Program record.
General rules about CAF values (NPO/NPP; O/P)
- If a plan has no options, the CAF values reflect values associated with the plan type (NPP = Non-pooled plan; P = Plan). If the plan does not qualify for the following CAF values, it will not have anything added (null).
- If a plan has options that qualify for the associated CAF values, the parent plan’s CAF values will indicate the information will exist at the option level (NPO = Non-pooled option; O = Option). If the options qualify for CAF values, the parent cannot have the CAF values attributed to plans without options (NPP, P).
- If a plan has options that don’t qualify for the associated CAF values, the parent will not have CAF values indicating additional information at the option level. (null values)
- If an option is created or changed, resulting in CAF value assignment that also impacts the parent plan, the parent plan will have a matching SIS effective dated row adding the new CAF values to align with the creation/change of the option. The date on the parent plan will align with the term in which students are first enrolled.
- Example: MS 101EDU/101MSTEACH. The parent plan didn’t have a Non-Traditional CAF value prior to creation of the option (child). The effective date for the option is 8/27/2018 to allow for admissions with the first students enrolling for fall 2019. The parent plan will have an effective date of 8/26/2019 indicating the change in CAF values corresponding to the first admit term of the option.
Admin notes
Used to explain unusual things that apply to the program when there is no other place on the form to note it. Information entered here is retained as a part of the record for the program (they are not specific to an individual proposal for this program). Not entered in SIS.
Guide URL
The Guide URL. Populated by DAPIR, following the procedures.
Guide Procedures
Guide page titles and URL conventions follow the academic structure set-up as approved by faculty governance and implemented via the Student Information System. The following rules minimize the repetition of names where used on multiple levels, when appropriate. Prepositions, conjunctions etc. are not used in the Guide page URLs.
The original rules were approved by ACPRAC on August 31, 2017.
The general URL convention is:[career]/[school/college]/[department]/[plan]/[subplan]/
Lumen/Guide – Guide Content
Policy Number
UW-1089Responsible Office
Office of the RegistrarType
University PolicyRationale/Purpose
Lumen is the gateway for faculty, staff, and governance bodies to propose, update, track and/or approve academic and curricular information at UW-Madison. As a large and complex organization, it is imperative the campus community follow consistent rules when utilizing the Lumen suite of tools for publication to the Guide.
Academic Programs in the Guide
All active academic programs that award credentials during the academic year for which the Guide is published must be represented with a page in the Guide. Academic ownership and hierarchy, as reflected in academic structure, defines what is in the Guide, where it is located, and how it is presented to the public.
New academic programs and credentials are to be added to the Guide in alignment with publication deadlines only after full governance approval is complete.
Academic programs that are approved for a future academic year may be published in alignment with publication deadlines, and can include limited information about the program in promotional pages.
Discontinued academic programs are only removed with the publication of a new Guide (in June) regardless of the term for which they are inactivated.
New, suspended, or discontinued elements of the academic structure (subject listings, plans, subplans) must include standard text about start and end dates.
Courses in the Guide
All active for-credit courses are to be published in the Guide.
General Publication Standards
All governed and non-governed content for the Guide must be submitted by the publication deadlines. Governed content is subject to campus deadlines for approvals, and may be subject to UW-System, Higher Learning Commission (HLC), and/or State Legislature for approval.
The Guide is published in June before the start of the academic year to support advising and student needs, however, midcycle updates in October or January occur to reflect new courses and course changes effective for spring semester or summer term, and/or to resolve egregious errors.
These midcycle updates, if not corrected, adversely impact students by delaying implementation of changes to the next Guide publication in June.
As the single source of truth, the Guide must be a stable and reliable resource that any advisor or current or prospective student can reference for an entire academic year. Any revision to the Guide during the academic year is expected to be minimal.
If a change to a course in an academic program becomes necessary during the academic year, e.g., change in subject listing, creation of a new course, or discontinuation of a course, the academic unit that owns the program is responsible for making updates to the program in Lumen Programs so that specific courses referenced in Requirements, Admissions/How to Get in, and Four-Year Plans match the current status of a course in the course catalog for the given term.
Midcycle updates to courses must precede the release of the Schedule of Classes. Changes to courses after the release of the Schedule of Classes for the given term are not permitted.
To maintain the integrity of the Guide, no pages are to be deleted in mid-cycle updates. If a plan/subplan is discontinued, the Office of the Registrar will add standard text to the Overview and How to Get in/Admissions sections of the Guide indicating the program is no longer accepting students.
Tabs are a structured way to separate content on a page in the Guide into smaller pieces. Each section of the Guide (undergraduate, graduate/professional, non-degree) has a defined set of tabs which contain both governed and non-governed content. Governed tabs, if applicable, are required. Non-governed tabs are not to duplicate content that exists on governed tabs. Revision to content on tabs must follow publication guidelines and deadlines.
The creation, deletion or name revision of tabs requires submission of a proposal to and approval by the Lumen Sponsors in consultation with the Lumenaries, Guide Coordinators, and appropriate governance bodies. Once approved, implementation will take effect with the publication of a new Guide edition (June publication).
Related UW–Madison Documents, Web Pages, or Other Resources
Language for New or Discontinued Programs
Procedures for Promotional Pages
Naming Conventions and URLS for Guide Pages Procedures
Approval Authority
Associate Vice Provost and University RegistrarPolicy Manager
Associate Vice Provost and University RegistrarContact
Associate University Registrar for Academic Services -- Will Lipske, WILL.LIPSKE@WISC.EDU, (608) 890-2089Effective Date
05-30-2023Source: View policy UW-1089 in the UW-Madison Policy Library
Level 1 (Career)
The convention uses the career (not specific to individual school or college name) and is denoted by the first set of slashes after
URL structure
- Approved by the University Academic Planning Council to offer academic plans.
- Have an active row in the SIS table: ACAD_CAR_TBL
Current careers in Guide
Level 2 (School/Colleges, Academic Groups)
The convention is for the undergraduate career and uses the academic organization and is denoted by the second set of slashes after This level is for the school or college in the undergraduate career.
The Graduate School and the "professional" schools (Law, Medicine and Public Health, Pharmacy, and Veterinary Medicine) do not not include this level in the URL.
URL structure
- Has departments/department-like units owning plans/subplans.
- Offers academic awards (plans/subplans)
- Have an active row in the SIS table: ACAD_GROUP_TBL
Level 3 (Departments, Academic Organizations)
The convention uses the academic organization/department and is denoted by the third set of slashes after for the undergraduate career, and the second set of slashes for the graduate/professional careers. These pages do not have a displayable list that is readily find-able to end users; they hare found via the "breadcrumbs" located at the top of the page under the red bar.
URL structure
- Offer academic awards (plans/subplans)
- Have an active row in the SIS table: ACAD_ORG_TBL
Level 4 (Degrees, majors, certificates, BSE minors, PhD minors)
The convention uses the academic plan and is denoted by the fourth set of slashes after for the undergraduate career, and the third set of slashes for the graduate/professional careers.
URL structure
- Have an active row in the SIS table: ACAD_PLAN_TBL with a plan type:
- degree/majors (MAJ)
- graduate/education minors (MIN)
- certificate (CRT)
- capstone certificate (CAP)
- school/college honors (HON)
- Exclusions:
- No major codes, temporary readmit, intended major, and additional major plan codes are not represented in the Guide.
- Plan codes that start with SCRT, MCRT, PCRT, VCRT, LCRT do not have individual pages; they are represented in the Guide with the pages that correspond to the plan codes that start with UCRT and GCRT.
Level 5 (Named Options and Honors in the Major)
The convention uses the academic subplan and is denoted by the fifth set of slashes after for the undergraduate career, and the fourth set of slashes for the graduate/professional careers. The URL includes the plan and subplan for this level (duplicates the plan name). This embedding in the plan name clarifies that a student cannot earn a subplan exclusively; they are earning an option IN the plan.
URL structure
- Offer a named option that has a corresponding level 4
- Have an active row in the SIS table: ACAD_PLAN_TBL with a plan type of MAJ and a related active row in ACAD_SUBPLN_TBL with a subplan type of OPT or HON
- Honors in the major does not have have an individual page and the content is included on the parent page; the logic is that honors in the major may apply to all named options (if applicable).
Effective date
This is the effective date used in SIS noting when a new program and/or changes to an existing program will go into effect. It must be for a term in the future term, except for suspend/discontinue proposals, which are for the term the governance action took place (spring, summer, fall). If SIS data is entered or updated as a result of this proposal, this is the effective date that is used. This is a required field for all proposals. For new programs, the effective date is the same as the first semester for which students will apply.
Assigned by DAPIR once a proposal has completed the governance approval process.
The effective date for changes cannot be an active or past term. Identify the term based on these fields:
- If approved, what term should the proposed change start?
- What is the last term that a student could declare this program?
- What is the last term that students may be enrolled in or complete the program?
- When will the application for the first term of enrollment open?
- First term of student enrollment
- (not a question on the form) When a proposal is suspend or suspend/discontinue, the effective date is the term the proposal was approved through governance.
Effective Guide edition
The catalog when a proposal can publish. Proposals effective fall (publishes June) or spring (publishes October) match the current version of next-guide (listed in the /courseleaf/ console). Proposals effective summer (publishes January) match the live-site (wisc-curr) catalog.
Assigned by DAPIR once a proposal has completed the governance approval process. Not entered in SIS. The CourseLeaf software prohibits publication beyond the current year listed in next-guide.
Guide publish date/type
Defines when the Lumen Programs content will publish in Guide. Assigned by DAPIR. Not entered in SIS.
Drop-down value | Meaning |
June | When the proposal is effective for a new academic year (fall), publishing in June. Most proposals use this. |
October | When the proposal is effective for spring and approved as a mid-cycle update; or was approved via governance after the cut-off for the June publication and is effective fall. Publishes in October to coincide with the release of the schedule of classes. |
January | When the proposal is effective for summer and approved for a mid-cycle update, publishes in January. |
June, Promo | When a new program is approved for a future academic year; the program can determine whether they want a promotional page that will have a presence in Guide while publishing only the appropriate tabs prior to the implementation. The promotional page shows up in the June publication. |
June, October Promo | When a new program is approved for a future academic year; the program can determine whether they want a promotional page that will have a presence in Guide while publishing only the appropriate tabs prior to the implementation. The promotional page shows up in the October publication. |
June, January Promo | When a new program is approved for a future academic year; the program can determine whether they want a promotional page that will have a presence in Guide while publishing only the appropriate tabs prior to the implementation. The promotional page shows up in the January publication. |
Tuition start term
Defines when the tuition value in the form started. Determined by the Academic Planners in DAPIR. For programs that exited prior to Lumen Programs and have not had tuition adjustments since, will have "migration" as their tuition date. If there has been an adjustment of tuition, this field articulates the term in which that tuition charge starts.
- For new programs, the tuition start term will always coincide with the SIS effective date (although no students will be in it).
- For a plan adding subplans where the tuition moves from parent to child, the change in the plan's tuition will coincide with the first term of student enrollment in the subplan(s). Additionally, this change should also instigate any CAF values associated to tuition that coincide with the same date in SIS.
- For plans removing subplans where the tuition moves from child to the parent, the change in the plan's tuition will coincide with the first term of student enrollment in the plan (even if there are students still in the subplans). Any CAF values associated with the tuition must align with the current status of the plan/subplan. For example, if a plan has subplans with students declared and the teach-out allows for enrollment in the plan and subplan at the same time (graduate example), the plan's tuition CAF would be NPO until the subplans are slated to be inactivated. At that time, the parent CAF related to tuition will match only the plan.
- It is unprecedented that a plan with subplans that are revenue generating would move to only having enrollment at the plan and continue being a service based pricing program.
CDR major code
A 5 digit numerical code assigned by UW System Admin; communication via CDR contact (Clare Huhn). This code buckets like-programs across UW-System for reporting purposes. Determined by name and CIP. Stored in SIS in the CDR Major Cross-walk.
A broad grouping of students related to their degree objectives and admitting office. Used for tuition charges, awarding financial aid, grading scales and other operational functions. In some cases a student may be active in more than one career at the same time, but a student may only be enrolled for classes in one career in a given term. Assigned by DAPIR.
SIS program code
A group of academic plans that share characteristics within an academic group. Academic program code controls administrative functions such as min credits, max credits, tuition rates, academic standing, grading schemes, full-time/part-time standing, financial aid primacy number.
The program code varies based on school/college/career. One or more academic plan that shares characteristics within a school/college/division will have the same program code. Every plan code (degree/major, certificate, educator certification, honors program etc.) other than doctoral minors will have an academic program. The field has a 5 character limit. Assigned by DAPIR. Consult with Financial Aid for the financial aid primacy number.
SIS program code (BS)
This field is only populated when the Lumen Program record for a Letters & Science BA/BS undergraduate plan code. The code is always "BS".
SIS short description
The officially approved short description of the sub/plan code. Where possible, align with like program names. The field has a 10 character limit. Assigned by DAPIR.
Additional major
Documents the additional major code when approved to have one. The code uses the same plan group number as the degree granting plan code (ALS 021 = MAJ 021). The field has a 10 character limit. Assigned by DAPIR.
Type | Plan code formula | When the code is created in SIS |
Bachelors | MAJ ### | As soon as the proposal reaches the Office of the Registrar. |
Masters | MMAJ ###(S/C) | On demand; submit Lumen Structures when a student wants to declare the additional major. |
Doctoral | DMAJ ###(S/C) | On demand; submit Lumen Structures when a student wants to declare the additional major. |
When the Type of Program is Degree/Major, and the question "Will this be offered as an additional major as well?" = Yes.
Intended major
Documents the intended major code when approved to have one. Typically, used for undergraduate limited enrollment programs where students must indicate an intention to apply for or declare the major. The plan group number is usually the same as the degree granting plan code with a different alpha prefix (NUR 712 has a related intended major code of PRN 712). The field has a 10 character limit. Assigned by DAPIR.
When the type of program is an undergraduate Degree/Major the question "Will students be declared in an intended major while completing the admission requirements?" = Yes.
Honors in the major
Documents the intended major code when approved to have one. The naming convention is '[major numeric code]HM[degree associated with plan code]' 112HMALS = Biology Honors in the Major in CALS. The field has a 10 character limit. Assigned by DAPIR.
When the type of program is an undergraduate Degree/Major the question "Will this program have Honors in the Major?" = Yes.
Honors in the major (BS)
This field is only populated when the program is a Letters & Science BA/BS undergraduate plan code
Honors in the major (BMAJ)
Used when the program allows additional majors and has honors in the major. Assigned by DAPIR.
Special student certificate
Used for when undergraduate certificates are approved to be offered as a special student certificate (available to students in the Special career). There are two types, but there is no distinction with codes.
When the type of program is an undergraduate certificate the question "Is this certificate available to University Special (non-degree seeking students)?" is answered "Yes".
Other plan codes associated with this program
If there are additional codes, such as like graduate/professional certificates or Honors in the Liberal Arts in schools/colleges with multiple program codes, the codes are listed here. All details about the program are the same for all codes associated with it (SIS long descr, short descr, CAF values, etc.). This is a multi-select field, to add additional rows, click the green plus button in the top right part of the field. To delete, click the red 'x' next to the row to be removed. Assigned by DAPIR.
Plan code (10 character limit)
The plan description should be the same as the main plan code, but with a unique career code descriptor at the beginning e.x. LCRT255 v. GCRT255
Plan description (30 character limit)
The plan description should be the same as the main plan code, but with a unique career code descriptor at the end e.x. Consumer Health Advocacy LCrt v. Consumer Health Advocacy GCrt
Professional certificates (MCrt, LCrt, PCrt, VCrt)
These are recorded on the GCrt Lumen Program record (all will have the same plan group number). Since students in Law, Medicine, Vet Medicine, Pharmacy are in separate careers in SIS, program and plan codes specific to each career are needed for grad/professional certificates. The graduate plan code for the certificate (starts with GCRT) is the 'main' code for the Lumen Program record but information specific to the plan codes for the other careers will be entered in the form as well. See other plan codes associated with this program. The codes associated with the professional careers (MCrt, LCrt, PCrt, VCrt ) are created when there is a student in that professional program who wishes to declare the certificate.
If the graduate certificate already exists and a student in a professional career wants to declare it, a structures proposals must be submitted indicating the need to create the code, if it does not already exist.
When Type of Program = Certificate and Who is the audience? = graduate/professional.
Plan level honors
Documents multiple SIS program codes for the school or college’s honors program.
When type of program = Honors Program and there are multiple honors codes to align with SIS program codes.
Honors in the major for named options (Undergraduate only)
Subplan codes that represent honors in the major do not have separate Lumen Program records. This information is recorded as part of the Lumen Program record for the degree granting degree/major e.x. Biology BA.
When type of program = degree/major, Who is the audience? = undergraduate, Will this program have Honors in the Major? = yes, AND there are named options. The Honors in the major question does not display on the named option proposal; it's carried from the plan information.
Diploma text and diploma text 2
These fields contain the text that will appear on the diploma. There are 2 lines and each allows a maximum of 100 characters. Assigned by DAPIR.
Diploma text
The degree written out such as:
- Bachelor of Arts
- Bachelor of Science-Education
- Master of Science
- Doctor of Philosophy
Diploma text field 2
For graduate programs, utilize all caps and write out the major e.x. AGRONOMY
Code corresponding to the official name of the credential that is awarded upon completion of the plan. The field has an 8 character limit. Assigned by DAPIR and the Office of the Registrar (RO).
Degree (BS)
The number or code associated with the degree table in SIS.
Field of Study
The UW-Madison broad disciplinary division to which each plan with a type of MAJ, MIN, CAP, CERT for analytics use. Assignments are based on divisional assignment of the majority of faculty in the department that oversees the plan at the time the code is created. A program can only have a single field of study. Assigned by DAPIR.
- BIO = Biological Sciences
- HUM = Arts and Humanities
- PHY = Physical Sciences
- SOC = Social Sciences
Program length
The length of time that it is expected a student will take to complete the program, expressed in years. This field is primarily used in the processing of financial aid and reporting to National Student Clearinghouse. Assigned by DAPIR.
- 1 = Certificate
- 4 = Bachelors
- 2 = Masters
- 7 = Doctoral
National Student Clearing House classification
The code under which each plan is reported to the National Student Clearinghouse. This code is only populated for plan codes when plan type = CAP, CERT and for plans of type MAJ if the plan leads to a degree. Assigned by DAPIR.
- B = Bachelors
- D = Doctoral
- G = Unspecified
- L = Prof
- M = Masters
- T = Post baccalaureate certificate
Plan group
This is found in characters 5, 6, and 7 of the plan code, ie - ALS 112. Typically the plan codes for the undergraduate, masters and doctoral degrees in a certain discipline will have the same plan group. This is also useful for analytic purposes and grouping plans together. ex. Sociology is 922 and has plan codes BA 922, BS 922, MAJ 922, MS 922L&S, PHD 922ALS etc. Assigned by DAPIR. A common attribute framework (CAF) value in SIS. This is only used for degree/majors.
Education level
For plans of type MAJ that award degrees, a code indicating the degree level based on federal IPEDS categorization. Assigned by DAPIR.
- B = Bachelors degrees
- D = Research doctoral degrees
- M = Masters Degrees
- P = Clinical Doctorate degrees
Award category
A numeric indicator of the level and type of award granted to a student who completes a given plan code. Assigned by DAPIR. A common attribute framework (CAF) value in SIS.
- 10 = Bachelors
- 30 = Masters
- 35 = Specialist
- 40 = Research Doctorate
- 50 = Clinical Doctorate
- 60 = Other Doctorate
- 70 = Undergraduate Certificate
- 80 = Capstone Certificate
- 90 = Graduate/professional certificate
Enrollment category
A numeric indicator of the level, career, and program of enrollment for students enrolled in the plan code useful for analytic and reporting purposes. Assigned by DAPIR. A common attribute framework (CAF) value in SIS.
- 100 = Undergraduate
- 300 = Master's
- 310 = Master's of Public Health
- 320 = Master's of Physician Assistant Studies
- 400 = Research Doctorate
- 510 = Law
- 520 = Medicine
- 530 = Pharmacy
- 540 = Veterinary Medicine
- 550 = Other Clinical Doctorate
- 600 = Undergraduate certificate
- 700 = Certificate for Non-Degree-seeking students
- 710 = Other Special Student (Non-certificate)
- 800 = Capstone Certificate
- 900 = Graduate Certificate
CIP code
A six-digit code assigned to plans using the federal Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) taxonomy. The code assignment is coordinated during the governance process and assigned by the director of DAPIR or their designee. A list of all available CIP codes is found on the NCES website. Assigned by DAPIR.
SOC code
SOC codes
This code relates to gainful employment for the US government (financial transparency) and applies only to capstone certificates. Assigned by DAPIR.
[code][space][description text from the SOC site][semicolon]
Example: "11-9111 Medical and Health Services Managers; 21-2091 Health Education Specialists; 21-1094 Community Health Workers"
Determined based on the CIP code. Melissa Schultz solicits the marketing research from DCS (Alissa Oleck). Scott Wildman makes a SOC code determination based on the marketing research and the assigned CIP code.
Lumen Programs fields associated with making the CAF decision:
- CIP Code (sis_cip_code)
Number of weeks to complete
Utilize a single number; not text.
Calculate the number of weeks of instruction based on the number of total credits, the curriculum, and other text available in the rationales of the proposal to deduce how long the program should take to calculate.
Lumen Programs fields associated with making the CAF decision:
- Total credits (total_credits_required)
- Semesters to completion (semesters_to_completion)
- Requirements (body)
Used for degree/majors (plan type = MAJ) only. Uses the US Department of Homeland Security criteria of STEM for the purposes of the Optional Practical Training Program. Assigned by DAPIR. A common attribute framework (CAF) value in SIS.
- A Yes/No field. When set to Yes, a value of 1 is entered in SIS.
- Default is null.
Follow the U.S. Homeland Security Study in the States guidelines. Must be in their list (STEM Designated Degree List). See the Study in the States Website for more information.
Must be a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctoral degree OR CAP.
- If the CIP aligns with the US Department of Homeland Security list, STEM OPT CAF = 1, indicating it is a STEM-OPT program.
- If the CIP does not align with the US Department of Homeland Security list, STEM OPT CAF = null.
Lumen Programs fields associated with making the CAF decision:
- CIP Code (sis_cip_code)
An indicator that the program is institutionally defined as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) for analytic purposes. The STEM assignment is made when the curriculum is focused on math, statistics, physical science, biological science, natural science, technology, and/or engineering principles. In almost all cases, the CIP (2010) code associated with plans that have a value of Y will be in the following areas (last checked 2024 12 18):
- Agricultural Sciences (01.0308, 01.80, 01.09, 01.10, 01.11, 01.12),
- Natural Resources and Conservation (03),
- Computer Science and Info Systems (11),
- Engineering (14),
- Engineering Technology (15),
- Life/Biological Science (26),
- Mathematics and Statistics (27),
- Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies (30.01, 30.19, 30.27, 30.30, 30.70, 30.71),
- Kinesiology (31.0505),
- Physical Science (40),
- Science Technologies (41.9999), and
- Health (51).
Assigned by DAPIR. A common attribute framework (CAF) value in SIS. UW-STEM is assigned only at the plan level, consistent with the Board of Regents authorization and placement of program learning outcomes.
- A Yes/No field. When set to Yes, a value of 1 is entered in SIS.
- Default is null.
Follow the UW System definition for STEM CIP codes as closely as possible. We can disagree and deviate from their approved area for STEM (particularly in the 30 – multidisciplinary area) with approval. See the Economic Development viz for more information.
- See the technical notes for the definition and which CIP codes are included.
- Assigned to SIS codes with CIP values, narrowed by the CIP category. (per discussion with Michelle Young, Clare Huhn, Melissa Schultz 7/24/2019)
- If the CIP aligns with the list or has been approved by UW-System, UW-STEM CAF = 1, indicating it is a STEM CIP.
- If the CIP does not align with the list or has not been approved by UW-System, UW-STEM CAF = null.
Lumen Programs fields associated with making the CAF decision:
- CIP Code (sis_cip_code)
Indicates whether the plan is institutionally defined as a Health program for analytic purposes, in that its focus is on preparing students for work or research in health-related fields. In almost all cases, the CIP code associated with these plans will be in CIP Area 51. Assigned by DAPIR. A common attribute framework (CAF) value in SIS. If assigned, only exists at the plan level.
- A Yes/No field. When set to Yes, a value of 1 is entered in SIS.
- Default is null.
The Health assignment is made when the curriculum (plan type = MAJ) is focused on preparing students for work or research in health-related fields. In almost all cases, the CIP code associated with plans that have a value of Y will be in area 51. Health values are assigned to programs offering degrees (plan type = MAJ AND Degree ≠ null) at the bachelor’s and graduate/professional levels.
- If the plan is a major (MAJ) and the CIP code begins with 51.XXXX, the Health CAF = 1, indicating it is a part of the Health field.
- If the plan is a major (MAJ) and the CIP code does not begin with 51.XXXX, the Health CAF = null.
Lumen Programs fields associated with making the CAF decision:
- CIP Code (sis_cip_code)
Educational innovation program
An indicator, assigned between 2011 and 2017, of whether the plan or any of its subplans is considered to meet the goals of Educational Innovation initiative. This is not assigned to any programs going forward; applies only to plans and options that were approved under the Educational Initiative during 2011-2017. These plans/options received EI startup funds. The only time this CAF value should ever change is if the parent plan has ‘P’ as the value and it is gaining children (options) that are for which the EI indicator is null. This data is retained for historical purposes only. In Fall 2019 the CAF was inactivated; programs retain the value for historical purposes. Assigned by DAPIR. A common attribute framework (CAF) value in SIS.
The UW-Madison Educational Innovation initiative and under that initiative approved a series of academic programs that meet the following criteria:
- The program brings in new and additional students and does not compete with existing programs for enrollment; overall enrollment in all other school/college programs remains steady.
- The program is specifically designed to meet the needs of non-traditional audiences; has an applied, practice-oriented curriculum that is self-contained with a clear pathway with few electives or options; is offered in a modality that allows non-traditional audiences to attend (evening, weekend, distance, intensive, or some combination thereof); has a market demand and learning goals that are oriented to market considerations.
- The program is distinctly identifiable in SIS, either as a degree/major, a named option of a degree/major, or as a Capstone certificate.
- P = entire plan is considered part of the Educational Innovation initiative. A plan with P cannot have children/subplans/named options.
- O = one or more of the subplans associated with this plan is considered part of the Educational Innovation initiative.
- If a plan was a part of EI and there are no options, the Education Innovation CAF = P (Plan)
- The EI CAF value can only be P if there are no options.
- If a plan was a part of EI and there are options, the Education Innovation CAF = O (option)
- If an option was not a part of EI, the Education Innovation CAF = null
- If an option was a part of EI, the Education Innovation CAF = O (option).
Distance education program
An indicator of whether the plan or any of its subplans is approved for distance delivery as defined by the Higher Learning Commission where 50% or more of the required courses may be taken as distance-delivered courses where the vast majority of instruction and interaction occurs via electronic communication where instructors and students are physically separated from each other. UW-Madison uses definitions for online/distance-delivered programs that are set by the Higher Learning Commission. Certificates will not have any indicator in SIS regarding modality.
As of March 2015, the definition of online/distance-delivered programs is:
- Distance-delivered programs are those certificate or degree programs in which 50% or more of the required courses may be taken as distance-delivered courses.
- Distance-delivered courses are those in which all or the vast majority (typically 75% or more) of the instruction and interaction occurs via electronic communication, correspondence or equivalent mechanisms, with the faculty and students physically separated from each other.
(NOTE: Programs that are predominately student-directed are considered “correspondence programs” and UW-Madison is not approved to offer such programs.)
Assigned by DAPIR. A common attribute framework (CAF) value in SIS.
- P = entire plan is a distance education plan. A plan with P cannot have children/subplans/named options.
- O = one or more of the subplans associated with this plan are approved for distance delivery.
- If the answer to the Mode of Delivery question is answered as either "Distance Education (>50%-99%)" OR "Distance Education (100% online), for a plan the Distance Education CAF = P, indicating an online program.
- If the answer to the Mode of Delivery question is answered “Face-to-Face (majority face-to-face courses), plan is not considered a Distance Education Program, the Distance Education CAF = null
- If the answer to the Mode of Delivery question is answered as either "Distance Education (>50%-99%)" OR "Distance Education (100% online) for an option, the parent plan the Distance Education CAF = O (indicating the information lives at the option level). In this scenario, the Mode of Delivery answer at the parent level is “Option Specific.”
- If an option is considered a Distance Education program (either "Distance Education (>50%-99%)" OR "Distance Education (100% online)), the option Distance Education CAF = O, then the parent’s Distance Education CAF = O.
- If an option is not considered a Distance Education program (“Face-to-Face (majority face-to-face courses)), the option Distance Education CAF = null, then the parent’s Distance Education CAF = null.
- Graduate/Professional certificates are not assigned the Distance Education CAF value.
Lumen Programs fields associated with making the CAF decision
- Mode of Delivery (delivery_mode)
Non-Traditional program
Non-Traditional program is designed to meet the needs of non-traditional student audiences; has an applied, practice-oriented curriculum that is self-contained with a clear pathway with few electives or options; is offered in a modality that allows non-traditional audiences to attend (evening, weekend, distance, intensive, or some combination thereof); has a market demand and learning goals that are oriented to market considerations. Most are offered as master’s level programs, named options in master’s level programs, or as Capstone certificate programs. Frequently, but not always, are also distance-delivered, Education Innovation, or non-pooled tuition programs. Assigned by DAPIR. A common attribute framework (CAF) value in SIS.
This field is determined on a variety of factors: tuition, modality, audience type.
- P = entire plan is considered a non-traditional plan. A plan with P cannot have children/subplans/named options.
- O = one or more of the subplans associated with this plan meet the criteria for consideration as non-traditional.
- If a plan is in the graduate career (Is this in the Graduate School = Yes), and the Special Plan type CAF = NPP, then the Non-Traditional CAF = P (Plan).
- If the plan has options that are non-traditional, the parent plan’s Non-Traditional CAF = O (indicating the information lives at the option level).
- If an option is in the graduate career (Is this in the Graduate School = Yes), and the Special Option type CAF = NPO, then the Non-Traditional CAF = O (Option).
- All capstones, regardless of the revenue, are Non-Traditional.
- If a plan is an undergraduate (UGRD) major (MAJ) and the mode of instruction = Online 100%, then the Non-Traditional CAF = NPP.
- If a plan is a certificate (plan type = CRT) in the special career (USPC), AND the Special Plan/Option type CAF = Yes, then then Non-Traditional CAF = P (Plan).
- Graduate/Professional certificates are not assigned the Non-Traditional CAF value.
Lumen Programs fields associated with making the CAF decision
- Type of Program (sis_program_type)
- Who is the audience? (audience)
- Is this a service-based pricing program? (revenue_program)
- Special Plan Type (caf_special_plan_type)
- Is this in the Graduate School? (caf_graduate_school)
Special plan type
An indicator of whether the tuition paid by students in the plan or subplan flows to the general tuition pool (pooled tuition) or to the academic entity that owns the plan (non-pooled tuition). If the question “Is this a service-based pricing program." is answered Yes, the program will have a value in this field.
- NPP = tuition for the entire plan flows to the academic entity that owns the plan. A plan with NPP cannot have children/subplans/named options.
- NPO = tuition for one or more of the plan's options flows to the academic entity that owns the plan.
- If a plan is a service-based program (the answer to “Is this a service-based pricing program?” = YES) and there are no options, then the Special Plan Type CAF = NPP (non-pooled plan). Plans cannot retain the CAF value of NPP when it also has subplans.
- If a subplan (options/tracks) is a service-based program (the answer to “Is this a service-based pricing program?” = YES), then the Special Option Type CAF = NPO (non-pooled option).
- If a plan is not revenue generating (the answer to “Is this a service-based pricing” = NO) and there are subplans that are service based pricing, then the Special Plan Type CAF = NPO.
- If a plan is not revenue generating (the answer to “Is this a service-based pricing” = NO) and there are no qualifying options, the Special Plan Type CAF = null.
- If the option is not revenue generating (the answer to “Is this a service-based pricing” = NO), the Special Option Type CAF = null; then parent plan’s Special Plan Type CAF = null.
Lumen Programs fields associated with making the CAF decision
- Is this a service-based pricing program? (revenue_program)
- What is the tuition structure for this program? (tuition_type)
- Select a tuition increment (tuition_increment)
- What is the rationale for selecting this tuition increment? (increment_rationale)
- Will segregated fees be charged? (seg_fee)
- Rationale for segregated fees. (no_seg_fees) Note, this field flipped August 2020. This field holds the rationale when the seg fee answer is "No."
CDR certificate category
Indicates the level of the certificate as reported to UW System Administration through the CDR. Assigned by DAPIR.
- 1 = Certificates < 1 year or 30 semester credit hours
- 2 = Post-secondary award, certificate, or diploma of more than 30 credits, less than 60 credits.
- 4 = Post-secondary award, certificate, or diploma of 60 credits or more
- 6 = Post-baccalaureate certificate
- 8 = Post-Master's certificate
Consortial or collaborative program
Indicates whether or not a program is consortial or collaborative. This field moved into the administrative section because it no longer requires additional approvals and is used only for administrative purposes. Historically, HLC required approvals for these types of programs.
Parent-Child Enrollment
Documents enrollments where enrollment happens outside the "norm" for how UW-Madison operates; i.e. when there is enrollment at the plan and subplan when it violates grad school rules. Typically used when there is a transition of enrollment moving from the plan to subplan or vice-versa.
- Enrollment at the plan and subplan level
- Enrollment at the plan level only
- Enrollment at the suplan level only
- If there is no value entered in the "until" field, this is a permanent status.
- If a date is entered, follow the teach-out plan (ie move students from subplans into plan if they are discontinued; move students from the plan into a subplan if adding named options).
Scan this proposal
Utilized to flag programs that should be imaged at the end of the academic year. Typically, this includes programs with "greater than 50%" changes or other changes that are important for retention (admissions change, reordering of requirements, etc.).
Upload documents that should be scanned
This field stores all the documents added by administrators to be saved with the proposal (imaged).
Includes, but not limited to:
- Tuition approval
- Board of Regents Materials
- UAPC Memos
- HLC communication
- UW System communication