Results: 1-9 of 9

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1Course Proposal Help787202024-01-167780
2Course Proposal: Review and Approve789222021-12-013555
3How to Access Lumen Proposal Forms787472023-07-177890
4Lumen Program Proposal: Fixing 'Red-box' Courses907002024-01-231846
5Course Proposal: Overview and System Functionality789162024-02-293295
6Course Proposal: Discontinuation of Obsolete Courses Process963372023-10-232113
7Course Proposal: Approval Workflow782802023-07-185506
8How to De-cross-list your Subject from a Course1161772022-01-191546
9Lumen: Linking to Course, Program, Structures, or Badge Proposals892102024-02-262235

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