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Honorlock Accessibility and Usability Information (Instructor)

This document summarizes the accessibility and usability barriers identified in the instructor experience and ways for instructors to get assistance.

Note: This document is not being updated. Please look at the new accessibility KB for Honorlock.

Honorlock is an online auto-proctoring tool that can be linked to quizzes in Canvas. Honorlock online proctoring is an auto-proctoring experience similar to, but not the same as, live proctoring. While live proctoring includes a live person monitoring the exam session, online or auto-proctoring monitoring of the exam session is conducted by an automated system programmable by the instructor in the session settings. Honorlock can only work in a Chrome browser. 

See more information on Honorlock at UW-Madison.

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Honorlock accessibility & usability for instructors

Some instructors with disabilities may have difficulty setting up online auto-proctoring sessions and evaluating those session results due to Honorlock accessibility and usability barriers, particularly for instructors with disabilities including (but not limited to) visual disabilities and motor disabilities who navigate the web using a keyboard, screen reader, or other assistive technology.

Workarounds and accommodations to support instructor online proctoring

As instructors weigh the best option for their courses, we encourage them to consider accessibility and disability in their decision-making. We recommend the university, schools, colleges, or departments refrain from requiring the use of online auto-proctoring for instructors due to the following accessibility and usability barriers. Instructors may request a reasonable accommodation related to the barriers they are experiencing when utilizing online proctoring. Instructors can make this request with their Divisional Disability Representative (DDR). Please note that the university will make a good faith effort to approve, modify, or deny an accommodation request as soon as possible and not later than 30 calendar days from the date of the oral or written request, absent extenuating circumstances. 

For more information regarding how instructors can support student accommodations, see the Honorlock - Implementing disability-related accommodations (Instructors) KB.

Instructor accessibility & usability barriers

The following accessibility and usability barriers were identified that may cause instructors to experience confusion or disruption in their ability to use Honorlock.

Exam session results viewport barrier

  • The size of the windows in the exam session results are too small and make it visually constrained and difficult for instructors to read and evaluate session results, particularly on a laptop screen.  Using a larger monitor at a higher resolution can allow the instructor to view more of the Honorlock interface at one time and reduce scrolling. 
  • Be aware of the factors that may cause students to accidentally violate online auto-proctoring rules causing false-positive flags in the proctoring session results. For more information see the Honorlock - Accessibility & Usability Information (Students) .

Magnification difficulties for users with low vision

Instructors with low vision may need to use magnification software or magnify the text on their screen. However, Honorlock doesn’t magnify well beyond 200% magnification and this may prevent instructors from setting up exam sessions or reviewing exam results as needed.

Keyboard and screen reader navigation difficulties for users with visual or motor disabilities

  • Some keyboard navigation and screen reader auditory feedback barriers exist in the Honorlock instructor experience that may prevent them from setting up exam sessions or reviewing exam results. 
    • Heading levels are missing or are in illogical
    • Screen reader labels or audio feedback with actions are missing or vague
    • Focus styling is inconsistent throughout the Honorlock user experience so some users navigating via keyboard may not be able to navigate the exam and live chat if they are unable to see where their keyboard focus has moved to in order to click on actions.
  • Live chat can be cumbersome to keyboard navigate through or use a screen reader with as auditory feedback of successful message sending can be vague and navigation into, out of, or within the live chat can take more time and require more clicks via keyboard than via mouse/trackpad.

Color contrast barriers may be difficult for users with low vision or colorblindness

All links, buttons, and filters within Honorlock have insufficient contrast, causing some users to have difficulty determining where to click and interact in order to navigate through online proctoring or exam setup.

Instructor exam content accessibility

Instructors can evaluate their course and exam content for accessibility to be sure that students with disabilities can navigate and use it. For assistance evaluating course content for accessibility, contact the DoIT Help Desk to be connected with an Accessibility Consultant.

Honorlock, accessibility, usability, online proctoring, exam, test, student, instructor, auto-proctoring 
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Digital Accessibility Team in IT Accessibility and Usability
Big Ten Academic Alliance - IT Accessibility Shared Resources, DoIT Help Desk, IT Accessibility and Usability, Learn@UW-Madison