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Kaltura - Known Issue - Upload Results in "Oops!" Error [UW-Madison]

There are different versions of the error including:
- Oops! Upload Failed
- Oops! Uploaded bytes exceed file size
- Oops! Internal database error
- Oops! Failed to match expected file size
Users may see this error when attempting to upload media via Kaltura MediaSpace or the Kaltura Canvas integration. The errors seem to be more common with larger files over 1.5 GB in size and when uploading via fast connections.
Try uploading your file again
Retrying your upload may result in a successful upload. Users can also try uploading from another internet connection or exporting, publishing, or compressing it to a smaller size (for example choosing 720p - 1280 x 720 frame size - in Powerpoint, Camtasia, or other software) before uploading. Users may also consider splitting up their video into smaller segments and uploading the smaller segments.
Contact the DoIT Help Desk
If you consistently have problems uploading to Kaltura MediaSpace contact the DoIT Help Desk. They can help with initial troubleshooting. If they cannot resolve the issue for you they will escalate your ticket to the Learn@UW-Madison team for additional investigation. Learn@UW-Madison will likely need you to capture network log files to share with Kaltura.
Capturing network log files in Chrome
- With Chrome open on the Kaltura MediaSpace upload page after having clicked through the notification ( click F12. The console will appear.
- On the console click the Network tab:
- Click the Clear button to clear any previous network traffic captured:
- Click Choose a file to upload and start uploading your file. You will see the network traffic in the console being logged.
- When the file is done uploading the error message appears right click on any of the lines and select Save all as HAR with content:
- Upload the HAR file to Google Drive or Box to share with Learn@UW-Madison who will also share it with Kaltura. You can save some upload time and space by zipping the HAR file first.
More info on capturing network log files is available in Kaltura document How to Capture Network Traffic Logs for Kaltura Support?