Results: 81-100 of 828

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
81SIS/Building Your Schedule of Classes - Adding Honors Designation118623Office of the Registrar2024-04-151886
82SIS/Building Your Schedule of Classes - Deleting vs. Canceling Sections118637Office of the Registrar2024-04-152175
83SIS/Student Groups - Deleting a Student from a Student Group118431Office of the Registrar2024-04-151514
84SIS/Student Groups - Inactivating a Student from a Student Group118430Office of the Registrar2024-04-151486
85SIS/Student Groups - Changing a Student’s Student Group118434Office of the Registrar2024-04-151429
86LCS - ReCAPTCHA setup in Betty Blocks136741Low Code Solutions2024-04-12109
87Zoom - Adding a Zoom Recording to Kaltura Mediaspace [UW-Madison]109409Learn@UW-Madison2024-04-123867
88Course Search & Enroll - Permission and Approval for Course Enrollment87291Office of the Registrar2024-04-1113063
89Student Center - Applying for Graduation4128Office of the Registrar2024-04-11200986
90TechSmith Camtasia - Faculty and Staff License105348DoIT Help Desk2024-04-109090
91Advertising and Sourcing [Campus login required]100027SMPH Human Resources 2024-04-10485
92HelioCampus AC - Eval Survey Schedule - Changing Administrator's Name for Survey Schedule and Instance (Admin) [UW-Madison]96422Learn@UW-Madison2024-04-102527
93Faculty Center - Class Roster Classes or Term Not Listed2215Office of the Registrar2024-04-0916544
94Faculty Center - Submitting Grade Changes96719Office of the Registrar2024-04-099253
95Faculty Center - Cannot View Classes / Sections of Another Instructor2162Office of the Registrar2024-04-0917103
96Faculty Center - Entering and Submitting Final Grades65138Office of the Registrar2024-04-0923374
97SIS/Managing Your Enrollment - Faculty Center: Viewing Class Roster97893Office of the Registrar2024-04-097394
98Catering and Food - L&S22629L&S KB2024-04-096664
99Advanced Content Authoring and Reporting - Uploading a Storyline module to WordPress/GrassBlade [UW-Madison]76537Learn@UW-Madison2024-04-088529
100Advanced Content Authoring and Reporting - Publishing a Storyline module with xAPI [UW-Madison]84540Learn@UW-Madison2024-04-086109
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