Results: 1-20 of 84

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
1Canvas - Faculty Center Grade Prep Tool and Final Grade Preparation [UW-Madison]69249Learn@UW-Madison2024-12-2324679
2Zoom - Using Learning Analytics in Zoom [UW-Madison]113141Learn@UW-Madison2023-09-273135
3Microsoft 365 - Known Issues33784Microsoft 3652024-10-31981836
4OCLC - Creating an OCLC Connexion Session12461Libraries2024-06-0410594
5Help Desk - Email List Feature Mapping for Google Groups, Microsoft 365 Groups, and Eloqua101401DoIT Help Desk2024-03-018917
6Canvas - Importing Content from another Canvas Course [UW-Madison]98589Learn@UW-Madison2024-01-057244
7(System) OCLC to ALMA NZ Export Profile [Campus login required]45743UWLSS2024-11-22121
8Export Registration Report110566Cisco Webex2021-05-121993
9OnCore: Preview Calendar and Export to Excel80932SMPH Research Informatics 2024-10-07614
10KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Import & Export5249KB User's Guide2024-02-1434680
11Export AAE Results from HelioCampus AC92559Agricultural & Applied Economics2023-12-31847
12Pressbooks - How to Export Pressbooks Content as a Common Cartridge for use in Canvas [UW-Madison]84558Learn@UW-Madison2023-12-157254
13WiscWeb - Export Entries from Gravity Forms102914WiscWeb2023-05-123130
14AiM External - How to export AiM report to Excel94414Facilities Planning & Management2022-09-192566
15Research Radiology: Image Export or Processing66006SMPH Research Informatics 2022-03-30306
16Export Resolution In PowerPoint50048Dermatology2022-03-223859
17Apple Reminders - Moving Local Reminders to Microsoft 365 Tasks39586Microsoft 3652023-02-0217062
18Faculty Center - Export and Import Grades96705Office of the Registrar2024-12-096697
19HelioCampus AC - Survey - Export Survey Results [UW-Madison]120818Learn@UW-Madison2024-06-201080
20Advanced Content Authoring and Reporting - Requesting and Interpreting a Standard Learning Locker Export from Storyline [UW-Madison]79906Learn@UW-Madison2023-02-087853
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