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Kaltura - Known Issue - Kaltura Video Quizzes Sometimes Don't Send a Grade to the Canvas Gradebook [UW-Madison]

This document describes several reasons behind why Kaltura video quizzes configured as a Canvas assignment sometimes do not send a grade to the Canvas gradebook.


This affects:

  1. Students who do not complete a video quiz within four hours. The video quiz results will not be passed to the Canvas gradebook because Kaltura saves the submission cookie for only four hours.
  2. Students who enter the video quiz assignment in Canvas before the "Available Until" date and time but finish it after the assignment has closed.
  3. Students using privacy or ad-blocking software.
  4. Students who have a problematic internet connection while watching and responding to a Kaltura video quiz.


Learn@UW-Madison currently does not recommend instructors use the Kaltura video quiz Canvas assignment option due to the above issue. If you do choose to try using it, we recommend instructors create video quizzes with a maximum length of 5-10 minutes and instruct students to finish them within four hours and before the assignment closes. If a student takes a video quiz, pauses it and comes back after more than four hours and the quiz result is not submitted to the Canvas gradebook the instructor can:

  1. Log in to Kaltura MediaSpace.
  2. Search for or navigate to the video quiz.
  3. Select Actions > Analytics and look at the quiz's analytics. If the student took the quiz their score will be in the Quiz Users analytics tab and can then be manually entered in the Canvas gradebook.

Canvas, kaltura, video, quiz, ivq, interactive, gradebook, grade, issue, bug,student, media 
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