Topics Map > Teaching, Learning & Academic Administration > Short-Term Staff (STS)
Topics Map > HR & Payroll > Short-Term Staff
L&S Short-term Staffing Requests
The term “STS” refers to short-term instructional staff beyond a department's Faculty and renewable Academic Staff instructors, and may refer to the following titles:
- Academic Staff instructors (Lecturers, Teaching Faculty)
- Lecturer (SA)
- Visiting or L/I faculty
- Emeritus Faculty
- Adjunct Faculty
- Volunteer / Zero dollar Instructional Staff
- Additional teaching assignments ('temporary increases' or overloads) to Academic Staff
Please contact Rob Schultz in L&S Teaching & Learning Administration with questions.
Request process for STS
Requesting Academic Year STS
Academic year STS requests are reviewed as part of a department's overall instructional strategy and for technical reasons (e.g., percentage of appointment, title). STS positions are typically funded by 101 resources, however, they require approval through this process regardless of the funding source. L&S may ask for an updated copy of the Teaching Report while reviewing academic year STS requests.
Send the STS request via the Instructional Staffing Request form:- Link to form: Instructional Staffing Request Form
- Detailed form instructions
- Responses will be sent by Rob Schultz in Teaching & Learning Administration. Approvals will be communicated via email and in the STS folder in Box (“48-#### STS”).
Requesting Summer Term STS
- Summer Term STS are requested as part of a department's summer budget proposal.
- After the initial summer proposal is approved, new requests or updates related to summer STS may be sent through the Instructional Staffing form.
- Responses will be sent by Rob Schultz in L&S Teaching & Learning Administration.
- Summer STS are listed on a department's Expense Details report, which is available in summer Box folders ("48-#### Summer"). This report should be shared with departmental HR/payroll staff.
Next steps - HR
After STS approval, departments/programs may work with Human Resources on HR/payroll tasks:- Work with the HR Business Partner for STS/SA appointments.
- Info on STS recruitment / PVL waivers.
- Offer letters templates and procedures.
STS rates and appointment levels
Standard rates for short-term staff are listed on the following KB page: L&S Standard Rates for Short-term Instructional Staff (STS) and Student Assistants
STS Appointment Levels
Appointment levels for STS Instructional Appointments and LSAs are listed on the following KB page: L&S Appointment Levels for Short-term Instructional Staff (STS) and Lecturer Student Assistants (LSAs)STS Funding
Academic Year STS
The funding line for most 101 funded STS: 101-2 A48##04, where '##' is the department number from your unit's UDDS.
The funding string for each STS position is listed on the STS approval in Box (“48-#### STS”).
The STS budget sheet on the BSR includes itemized credits for one-time support from sources such as FIGs, Honors, Other Schools/Colleges, etc. You are strongly encouraged to review your STS budget sheet to understand the fiscal implications of your plan. Please contact Assistant Dean Mary Beth Roberts with questions regarding your STS budget sheet on the BSR.
Summer STS
The funding line for most STS during Summer Term : 131-2 A48##93, where '##' is the department number from your unit's UDDS.
Summer term STS are requested as part of a department's summer budget proposal. Summer STS, along with their exact funding strings, are listed on the Expense Details report in Box ("48-#### Summer").
Contacts for L&S Administration
- L&S Teaching & Learning Administration
- Rob Schultz, Instructional Program Manager for Teaching & Learning Administration
- L&S Human Resources
- L&S Budget Office
- Jennifer Klippel, Associate Dean for Innovation and Strategic Budgeting