Engage :: Engage - Engage Overview [UW-Madison]
This document summarizes and outlines the differences between the tools included within the Engage platform.


Select this link to list all Engage documents from the Learn@UW-Madison KnowledgeBase at the bottom of this page.

What is Engage?

Engage is a tool which aims to reduce the costs of course materials for students while enhancing the student learning experience. Instructors can order electronic textbooks (eTexts) or publisher digital learning tools (DLTs) for use in their courses. These digital materials are accessed directly from Canvas and available on day one of the semester. The cost of digital materials is bundled into students’ tuition bills, making it easy to cover the cost with financial aid. 

Please see DoIT’s Engage IT Service Page for a more detailed description of Engage. You can also review Engage terminology to ensure understanding of Engage-related concepts.

Tool Functionality Details

Order Tool

The Order Tool enables Instructors, Course Coordinators, and Program Administrators to place orders for digital course materials for an upcoming academic term. It also allows Students to opt-out of digital materials. 

Digital course materials can be electronic textbooks (eTexts) delivered in the Engage eReader or publisher courseware, also called a digital learning tool (DLT). Both options may be ordered via the Order Tool. Open Educational Resources (OER), such as OpenStax textbooks, may also be ordered in the Order Tool.

Instructors and Course Coordinators

Instructors and Course Coordinators (a role that can place content orders on behalf of instructors) use the Order Tool to place their orders for the digital materials they will use in their upcoming courses. All orders must be placed within open ordering periods. If a deadline is missed, Engage cannot be used for that semester. 

Review this document for more information on ordering, including how to place an order: Engage - Ordering eTexts or Publisher Digital Learning Tools (DLTs) with the Order Tool [UW-Madison]. You can also review which publishers are available through Engage and learn more about ordering periods.

If you would like to be notified of open ordering periods, you can edit your email subscription preferences with DoIT Academic Technology. Check the box to Enroll in Engage communications and click Submit to add yourself to the Engage Instructors list.


Engage was designed to automatically opt-in all students who register for participating courses. This also means that the costs of the eTexts and DLTs appear on students’ tuition bills, making it easier to apply financial aid accordingly. Sales tax (5.5%) will be added as a separate line item in students’ tuition bills. 

While we hope that all students choose to take advantage of eTexts (and DLTs, if applicable), we understand that some may wish to opt-out of receiving digital materials. This is done through the Order Tool during open Student Choice periods. 

It’s best to opt out as soon as you know, to ensure your opt-out falls within the 100% refund window. Depending on how you’ve elected to receive refunds (direct deposit vs paper check), it may take some time to be delivered. The sales tax will also be refunded. You can review this on your tuition bill via your Student Center.

If you have access to the materials from a previous course, you do not need to opt out. The Order Tool keeps track of access and will process the purchase as an Entitlement. You do not pay for Entitlements.

You can find instructions for opting out and things to consider first in the Opt-out Considerations and Guidelines document. 


Use Cases/Best Practices

Use Cases

  • Host textbooks and learning materials online, directly in a Canvas course, instead of through physical resources (eco-friendly!).

  • Use DLTs for interactive learning experiences and additional analytics/objectives.

  • Collaborative note sharing (this is not accessible and should not be a required grade item).

  • Students get access on day one, preventing a delay in acquiring the materials and the potential for missed work.

  • Savings are typically between 40%-80% per textbook and 25% for publisher Digital Learning Tools (DLTs).

  • For more information on the Engage platform, please see the DoIT Engage page.

  • Additional benefits can be found in the benefits of using Engage KnowledgeBase document. 

Best Practices


While Engage is easily customizable for your course, there are some general best practices to follow:

  • Understand the difference between eTexts and DLTs before your course begins, including the key features and functions of each, and what support options are available.

  • Introduce your chosen digital materials to students proactively and promote early engagement in the text. 

  • Be open to discussing why you chose to use digital materials and ensure students are clear on how those digital materials will be used in your course.

  • Work with McBurney Disability Resource Center on accommodations and making your course accessible, if needed.

  • More best practices can be reviewed here: Engage - Best Practices for Instructors [UW-Madison].

  • You can also review the Engage - Instructor Checklist (UW-Madison) for a list of steps to take before, during, and after the ordering periods. 


Refer to your syllabus and/or instructor for best practices and direction on using your digital materials.

A couple of important things to note: 

  • Do not make bookmarks directly to the eText; always launch it out of Canvas. 

  • Do not purchase publisher tools directly from the publisher; always access digital materials from your Canvas course. 

Getting Started

For training information and how to get started with Engage, see Engage - Getting Started [UW-Madison]

Comparing Engage eTexts and Publisher DLTs

Instructors can choose to use one of the following options in their course:

  1. Use the Engage tool to deliver an eText to your students.

  2. Use a publisher Digital Learning Tool (DLT) to deliver an eText and lab or homework software to your students.

    DLTs are delivered by the respective publisher (not Engage), but still integrate with Canvas. Example DLTs include:

    • Pearson: MyLab, Mastering, Revel

    • Cengage: MindTap, OWLv2, WebAssign

    • Macmillan: Achieve

    • McGraw Hill: Connect, ALEKS

It is possible to use both but this is not as common. Selecting the DLT will include the related eText, however it will be accessed in that publisher tool instead of in the Engage eReader. Differences between each model are outlined in the table below.

Comparing Engage with Publisher DLTs


Unizin Engage

Publisher Digital Learning Tool (DLT)


Engage, an eText reader, powered by RedShelf

  1. Publisher (Pearson, Cengage, Macmillan or McGraw Hill) eText reader

  2. Publisher DLT (examples):

  • Pearson: MyLab; Mastering; REVEL

  • Cengage: MindTap; Webassign; OWLv2

  • Macmillan: Achieve

  • McGraw Hill: Connect, ALEKS


DLTs include the associated eText, accessed through the tool.


Provided by the DoIT Help Desk. If they are unable to resolve your issue, they will escalate it to the appropriate consultants.

Find more details including more support options for Engage.

Accessibility information can be found here: Engage Accessibility & Usability Information.

Provided directly by the publisher.

See the KB document on publisher DLT support.


Students can print for free (not including the cost of materials/printing). A Unizin-branded watermark will appear on the printed pages.

Students can save the file as a PDF after downloading the pages.

Students are generally not allowed to print eTexts from publisher eText readers or DLTs.

Loose-leaf Copies

Loose-leaf copies of certain eTexts are available for purchase at the UW Bookstore. Check the UW Bookstore’s website to see which texts are available. Loose-leaf copies are only available to students who have not opted-out.

Loose-leaf copies of certain eTexts are available for purchase at the UW Bookstore. Check the UW Bookstore’s website to see which texts are available. Loose-leaf copies are only available to students who have not opted-out.

DLTs are only available online, via the respective publisher's website.

Length of Access

Entire student career at UW-Madison via Canvas.

Varies based on the course and DLT, though typically lasts for one semester.

Library Reserves

Printed copies of all eTexts are available in campus library reserves. See the UW-Madison Libraries website.

Printed copies of all eTexts are available in campus library reserves. See the UW-Madison Libraries website.

DLTs are only available online, via the respective publisher's website.

How Do I Know If My Course Is Using Engage?

If your course is using an Engage eText or publisher digital learning tool (DLT), it will be included under the course's listing on Course Search & Enroll. You can also access that tool when enrolling in classes from MyUW.

Alternatively, you can log into the Order Tool, select My Account from the menu bar, and choose Courses. Select the academic term for which you wish to review your course materials. You’ll see all your courses for the selected term, including if digital materials were adopted by your instructor, and what type.

Additional Resources

Results: 1-20 of 30

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1Engage - Engage Overview [UW-Madison]774852024-08-0816326
2Engage - Getting Started [UW-Madison]1387212024-08-08796
3Engage - Exploring the Order Tool [UW-Madison]1067912025-03-133820
4Engage - About UW-Madison Engage Fees and Refunds [UW-Madison]775252025-02-078316
5Engage - Ordering eTexts or Publisher Digital Learning Tools (DLTs) with the Order Tool [UW-Madison]1067902025-01-039321
6Engage - How to Access Engage eTexts from Previous Courses [UW-Madison]862902024-08-276713
7Engage - Instructor Checklist [UW-Madison]1382322024-07-12487
8Engage - Support Options for Publisher Digital Learning Tools (DLTs) [UW-Madison]821472024-06-058982
9Engage - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) [UW-Madison]828302024-04-189379
10Engage - Opt-out Considerations and Guidelines [UW-Madison]775242024-04-1725819
11Engage - Support and Documentation for eTexts [UW-Madison]778172024-03-2810552
12Engage - Troubleshooting [UW-Madison]777682024-03-288099
13Engage - Known Issue - Engage displays error message when attempting to access eText [UW-Madison]857752024-03-287431
14Engage - Best Practices for Instructors [UW-Madison]780802024-02-227304
15Engage - Set-Up/Preparation for Instructors using an Engage eText [UW-Madison]777872024-02-209382
16Engage - Set-Up/Preparation for Instructors Using a Publisher Digital Learning Tool (DLT) [UW-Madison]788392024-02-207348
17Engage - Reading eTexts on Engage [UW-Madison]775232024-02-2016652
18Engage - Order Tool Overview [UW-Madison]1067892024-01-308223
19Engage - Sample Language for Syllabi and Canvas Courses Using a Publisher Digital Learning Tool (DLT) [UW-Madison]788652023-12-196595
20Engage - Sample Language for Syllabi and Canvas Courses Using an Engage eText [UW-Madison]788432023-12-196838
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