Results: 1321-1340 of 2155

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
1321Run and download Homepage Queries131613Graduate School2023-11-24439
1322KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Creating and Using Templates14044KB User's Guide2023-11-2040339
1323KB User's Guide - General Info - Internal and External Live Sites22400KB User's Guide2023-11-2027729
1324Jira and Confluence Alternatives123742Shared Tools2023-11-172676
1325ASA Document 819. Campus Diversity and Climate Committee Annual Report 2022-2023132895The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2023-11-17317
1326Recovering files from /filespace home directories and group shared space.12983CAE2023-11-1411616
1327Namecoach Accessibility and Usability Information122496IT Accessibility and Usability2023-11-141667
1328LabArchives and Jupyter Notebook Migration: migrating your code to GitLab132771UW-Madison Research Data2023-11-14525
1329EPM - Editing 'tnsnames.ora' and 'sqlnet.ora' Files19325Data KB2023-11-14149315
1330Using the Repository of Administrative Data and Reports (RADAR)84358Data KB2023-11-146054
1331Syllabus (and home page) Updated Nov 11, 202145963Food Production Systems &
1332Using OverDrive and the Libby App [Campus login required]122134Libraries2023-11-134
1333Administration & Governance - Faculty Affairs - SoHE Named Faculty Appointments - Criteria and Process110633School of Human Ecology2023-11-091317
1334DoIT Shared Tools - GitLab - Group and Project Moves/Transfers110442Shared Tools2023-11-081704
1335DoIT Shared Tools - GitLab - How-to Use GitLab and Salesforce112096Shared Tools2023-11-081985
1336ECMS - Use an Office 365 Service Account and a UW Box Project Directory to Share Files with the ECM/Imaging Service68930ECMS2023-11-083507
1337Additional Major/Degree Policy and Process73885CALS Academic Affairs2023-11-0736379
1338Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee Agenda 11-10-23132608The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2023-11-07333
1339Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee Agenda 11-08-23132607The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2023-11-07342
1340Microsoft 365 - Options for Individual and Programmatic Sending14051Microsoft 3652023-11-0626310
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