a border of lamination material used with laminated products, standard is 1/8"
printed image that extends beyond trim marks, so finished product does not have a white border (generally 1/8" is the setting for bleed)
Coil Bind
a plastic coil that has a 4:1 pitch ratio used as a binding material to hold a book together
a quality control device to measure the density of printing ink
the degree of color or darkness of an image or photograph
metal rule or imaged block used to cut or place an image on paper in the finishing process
see duplex category
typically 3 or 5 circular holes on the binding-edge of a sheet of paper, created by drilling through paper
Drop fold
Drop fold is a set of multiple pages that fold together as a booklet, and are then dropped into a machine that does a right angle fold, commonly for mailing.
double-sided (see duplex category)
a halftone picture made up of two printed colors
bindery term, one or more intentional creases in the paper
right reading sheets with head on top, that, when duplexed, heads run together on front and back of sheet. The back sheet is right-side up
right reading sheets with head on top, that, when duplexed, heads run opposite on front and back of sheet. The back sheet is upside down
postal information place on a printed product
all the activities required to prepare a press for printing
Perfect bind
type of binding that uses glue on the spine of the sheets to adhere a cover to the sheets, like a phone book
Right-Angle fold
two folds at right angles to each other
Side guide
the mechanical register unit on a printing press that positions a sheet from the side
only one side of the page is printed, meaning the back side of each page is blank
the process of placing the same image on a single sheet or page of a document multiple times
Tape Bind
a type of binding that uses a strip of durable tape to hold a book together lines that indicate where to trim before a job goes on the collator or other binding equipment, by doing this it allows the operator to still see the trim marks for final trim
UW red
the mixed ink graphic standard for UW printing; also PMS 200
Work and tumble
using the same plate and same guide, printing one side of a sheet, and flipping it from gripper to tail to print on the back of the sheet. Similar to perfecting but 2 passes
Work and turn
using the same plate and common guide, printing one side of a sheet, and flipping it from left to right to print on the back of the sheet